The best Rainbow Six Siege Fails, Funny/Random Moments & WTF Moments!
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Welcome back to episode 75 of Rainbow Six Siege Fails! In this series we take your funniest submissions and transform them with high-quality editing into the greatest community montages on YouTube. Each episode takes over 15 hours to edit and we’re constantly working on improving to ensure we only upload the highest quality videos. We hope you’ll enjoy this episode and be sure to let us know in the comments what you thought of it!
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► Check out some other videos!
• Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/BtbpfOBdyQg
• Top 50 Epic Wins in R6S: https://youtu.be/FStSpwfWGSs
• Fortnite Fails & Epic Wins #92: https://youtu.be/rft7BkRJSDg
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• Rainbow Six Siege: http://bit.ly/RARainbow6
• Fortnite: http://bit.ly/RAFortnite
• Gaming Gone Wrong: http://bit.ly/RAGoneWrong
? Featured Players:
icecreamaddict6: http://bit.ly/2NUNx0e
akbasemre1: http://bit.ly/38CK12r
BobFromStateBarn: http://bit.ly/30RKATI
Onimon990: http://bit.ly/38CinD1
Austin_Aardvark: http://bit.ly/2RkBxaF
FotatoPotato: http://bit.ly/2TNqMPL
cookiebirdoof: http://bit.ly/2Ghgcsj
Sven.LADON: http://bit.ly/2Gg9anN
boppity-boopity: http://bit.ly/2NU12gJ
yTiAGoNw: http://bit.ly/2vh02wS
dhihung: http://bit.ly/36ml4XN
Arysh: http://bit.ly/37ojdmG
glippy.-: http://bit.ly/2GdHQqb
MaineSellWhite: http://bit.ly/2sUQsyW
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FilthTM: http://bit.ly/30XJvtD
SoggySocks: http://bit.ly/30Kwrri
Txy_: http://bit.ly/2RGF0iN
Caligal7: http://bit.ly/36lxn6C
drymac: http://bit.ly/37nul2Z
fat_ash.NFFA: http://bit.ly/2viCg3B
xxx69thotslayer420xx: http://bit.ly/36i4msj
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gatsuB: http://bit.ly/36mEHPs
PrinzEugen: http://bit.ly/2NSHXvv
SagaBluE: http://bit.ly/3ay9zQp
Cevin 21: http://bit.ly/2tJGaSz
iOzwald: http://bit.ly/2tKcN2y
lassermouth97_xb1: http://bit.ly/30M2Opz
NuIoShafu: http://bit.ly/2NTQWwj
Omega Crome: http://bit.ly/30PvsWB
Uzer1mk: http://bit.ly/2RlDaol
jorge20058: http://bit.ly/38CK6TN
Papa_Franko: http://bit.ly/2RJ4R9J
DatBoiPrince: http://bit.ly/2TQZqrO
TExpiry: http://bit.ly/2viCaJh
Aclark707: http://bit.ly/2RkoxBJ
master_of_dcath: http://bit.ly/2RIMMbP
I_FLYING_I: http://bit.ly/2tNmJrU
BaCaRd1: http://bit.ly/2GdHDTV
MichaelBui_: http://bit.ly/36qEnzj
Hirumiru: http://bit.ly/2MUkz04
Lightner81: http://bit.ly/3azZFxv
RottenCIam: http://bit.ly/2NSoyLa
Killer2Queen: http://bit.ly/2RW9ddV
JaniQ2w: http://bit.ly/2RiCgch
WdR_Perpetual: http://bit.ly/30OoKR1
poopycakes: http://bit.ly/36neeB6
Voidylishous: http://bit.ly/2RFgoa2
-Versaucey-: http://bit.ly/2TM4EFv
DEADP0OL443: http://bit.ly/2RiMn0O
mEczem: http://bit.ly/2vh073E
HughNeutrinooo: http://bit.ly/2NW8aJI
maddacheeb360: http://bit.ly/2GdTql0
RecklessSaboteur: http://bit.ly/37lPLO5
Moroccalous: http://bit.ly/38x16Lm
kgaston12: http://bit.ly/2veOCJT
Ben_poet: http://bit.ly/2TPtC6T
Sabenja: http://bit.ly/2RjEI28
Thebearscoutisout: http://bit.ly/30M2NSx
Soda5109: http://bit.ly/30P0azu
skelemaymays: http://bit.ly/2tJmT3H
CaptainR3DST0NE: http://bit.ly/37lNzGj
jjakejjoness: http://bit.ly/2GfPfVI
jagerourking007: http://bit.ly/36lxlf0
Owen-Sherlock-: http://bit.ly/2GfOWdw
Domination2k: http://bit.ly/2NTz9p2
© Red Arcade always has the player’s permission to feature their clip. If there are any mistakes with the credits, or someone submitted your clip claiming it was theirs please email us: contact@redarcade.com
On Red Arcade you’ll find all the greatest gaming clips from your favorite games combined with creative and high-quality editing. We spend 15-18 hours editing to transform the clips into something unique you can’t find anywhere else!
#RedArcade #RainbowSixSiege #Fails #RainbowSix #FunnyMoments #Siege
Thanks for watching everybody!
✦ Submit YOUR Fails/Funny Moments! https://redarcade.com/submit
8:27 when pc players play on console
Im in 2030
0:25 “what happens here” “hasn’t happens yet”
My Fukien clip would be here if I was recording an it went like I had had but I got the best lucky ever I kill 2 people at back of a wall 2 In ROW
Hello please on my Chanel Is clip rainbow six siege
warum sind die meisten bot clips von xbox hmmm da sieht man zumindest das ihr in rainbow müll seit
5:06 The new BikiniBodhi
Why do you get karma for playing the game ?
7:13 lol perfect cut
6:30 made me laugh bru
Pretty sure these vids are the reason we might be getting Operation Health 2.0 this year.
5:10 xD
LOL and XD
oo…when I play the game,I can’t see anybody….sometimes I think I lose my sight..
I am the one who gave this vid a 9k like XD your welcome <3
Who the hell sponsors g2a. They steal games and give no money to the developers at all. No one sponsors G2A anymore
Кто 2090
most these people suck ass lmao
Todo ingleeeeeeeees
I like your vid