Rescue Poor Stray Mother and Puppies was Traped to Torn the Leg
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Rescue Poor Stray Mother and Puppies was Traped to Torn the Leg
Dog, mother, baby is trapped by dog eaters, but he survived, but he got a snare that strapped his leg tightened until the left leg is torn.
But she won’t let anyone catch her because she is afraid of people.
Must endure, pain, pain, pain and suffer for 2 years.
Courtesy: Aun Suzuki
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
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#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
She is so pretty that poor lovely mummy dog and her babies are so cute but what happened to leg its so upsetting.
God bless you??☝️❤️?? Thanks so much Guys for saving cute dog and Guys you are really beautiful peoples????????????????????????????
God bless you for saving this angle
I don't understand how people can eat dogs or cats because they are domestic animals who are meant to be our companions. The corona virus is punishment from God to these horrible people who eat them and will continue until all eating of animals is stopped by Asians, Vietnamese,Cambodians.
Nice people good job retarda from Ecuador we love the dogs
Muito triste com a maneira q a mãe dos cachorrinhos foi tratada….. Na abordagem…..foi trágico…sem palavras
Thank you
Happy puppies are good, but what about the mom? I watched the entire video and nothing about the mom. You should not have waited so long to rescue the mom, 2 years in pain plus having puppies, then you are pulling on her to take her out of the hole. You could of sedated her, then gently pulled her out.??
Everybody here asking about the mother…they say she survived but there is no video showing her recuperating…why?
They do not show or say what happened to the mother…so this is not right….please…let us know..poor mother.
The dog is afraid of you for good reason, she thinks you want to eat her, I'm pleased she escaped and that there are a few people like you who care about these dogs, thank you
I know this organization…., surely the mother is ok.
Awww that poor mother dog and her puppies too,Ty for rescuing them and helping them too
Ludzie zwierzętom zgotowali taki los, okropne. Sami są bez uczuć, szkoda, że nie potrafią kochać bo przez to są bardzo biedni , ubodzy i martwi nie czują nic pustka samotność to koniec.
Təşəkkür edirəm
Please can we see more updates after the dogs are rescued ??
Did the mom live was she treated medically ? PLEASE UPDATE ON HER WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HER.
The one who did it KARMA on the end, an Evil doer ; His name is on the Book of the Dead.
Judiação meu Deus tenha misericórdia senhor desses anjinhos,gratidão namastê à vocês que o salvaram DEUS os abençoe infinitamente gratidão namastê por tudo ???❤??
We want to see their mother healthy, please let us see the next. Thank you for everything you do for she and her babies ?❤❤❤❤
Parabéns vcs tem alma nobreza parabéns
Torture and death to all animal abusers
Que lindoo os filhotes espero que eles ganham um lar de responsabilidade que cuide com amor e carinho ?????
Hello, Thanks for saving these puppies. May I asked what happened to the mother dog???Please update with her condition. Thanks
Biedny płakać się chce ile ran miał
น้องน่าสงสารมาก ขอบคุณที่ช่วยน้องและลูกจนปลอดภัย ขอให้น้องและลูกสุขภาพดีและมีผู้อุปการะด้วยนะคะ ??❤️??❤️??
Cruel Vicious Abandoner
The whole family is going to hell!
The rescuers are too rude and vicious,
Pulling a dog's legs to break his leg,
Bless all the miserable stray animals and all kind people happy and healthy!
Qué pasó con la madre??? tendría que haber sido atendida antes que los bebés!!! ellos se ven bien y sanos, pero por qué no muestran que hicieron con la madre??? por favor!!!
Thanks for saving innocent angel, hope she gets well forever???
?? ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤???????
Thank you very, very much!
Strong for dog puppys beautiful
Please try to be more gentle with dogs. This poor dog is petrified of humans. Where is she now. Please stop eating dogs in your country it is barbaric and the authorities should stop it. Dogs are very precious and can be trained to help humans in so many ways.
I'd be afraid of people too if they were going to eat me!?? Barbaric!
Danke ????