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Another one is that when I was about 7 years old there was a neighbor kid who was a couple years younger than me who wanted to play sword fighting with sticks so I told him to go find one for himself. A couple mintutes later he came back and was on my back porch behind me, so he had the high ground, and he had in his hands a large and hefty wooden fence post (I'm still not sure how he was able to carry it) and I don't know if he dropped it by accident or thought he'd get an advantage in the fight, but right as I turned around it struck me in the temple (due to the height advantage it was quite a blow) and I fell over bleeding profusely. I escaped with nothing but a scar on my forehead, but it's quite possible that if it had hit me in the right spot I'd have died, and if it hit me a couple inches lower I would have lost an eye. Btw the kids parents said he was crying at what he'd done all day when I went to the hospital. It was probably worse for him than me tbh.
When my mother was pregnant with me, multiple doctors tried to rush her into having an abortion because they could tell I might have some health issues, even taking her into the abortion room when she expressed not wanting to.Thankfully she was horrified at the idea and they were able to fix what was wrong with me in my very early years (I inherited an issue that resulted for my dad in kidney failure, but they found it soon enough to stop it with me). It's crazy to think how easily I could have never existed, never experienced the world. My friends would never know me, and the world just going on and on, my same elementary school class, and all that, just minus me. I am definitely pro life.
Donald trump almost nuked me
the house i grew up in had relatively easy access to the roof, so we’d sit up there on occasion and hang out. i had pneumonia when i was 6 and they gave me medicine that caused me to have really severe hallucinations. i heard people telling me to jump off the roof so that’s exactly what i set out to do. luckily my sister was already up there and brought me back inside, otherwise I’d probably be dead right now.
Gf and I had a flat tire and no spare at about 9pm. Tow truck picks us up and we find out there is only one tire shop in the city still open. We go and wait in the lot for a bit. Kids still running around, lot is full of cars, etc. One of the tow trucks for that tire shop pulls up, driver gets out, storms inside while talking about someone coming. He comes out the building with an assault rifle. Sure enough, another car drives by the place and opens fire. Kids run in side, gf is in the car on the floor, I drop to the ground and wait for the bullets to stop flying. After the car that shot at the shop peels out, my gf and I see our chance, I hop in the car, and we drive on three wheels as far as we can get while I call the tow truck that dropped us off there (they didn't know anything about that tire shop) and tell them to get us the fuck out of there. Thankfully, neither the nor either of us were hit.
I almost ran a red light on a busy intersection in the city. I was distracted by my thoughts but then hit the brakes when I realized I was about to run a red light. Right after I stopped, a few cars going very fast crossed the intersection
I was once swimming in a pool that was probably 5 feet deep. I was probably 3-4"2 at the time. I was on a dolphin-like floater which you ride like a horse. I lost my balance and fell.
I called for help because I was almost drowning. Couldn't get back on. THERE WERE PEOPLE RIGHT FUCKING THERE DOING NOTHING. NOT EVEN MY MOTHER. I finally got my balance and swam to the edge. When I asked my mother why she didn't help, she said and I quote, "You can do it anyway!"
When I was a small baby my dad saved me from suffocating. Everyone was sleeping in the house. I managed to turn myself face down on my baby bed and couldn’t breath. Luckily for me he heard me and woke up to save me.
Now even drunk and beer are censored? I'm dead ?
I've had 2 car accidents which totalled my cars each time, butvi had zero scratches.
Could have ended blind from splitting glass, or in a wheelchair, or dead.
The 2nd accident I was actually waiting for the car to tumble, but to my surprise it stayed the right way round despite the inclination.
Literally every day with diabetes is a near death experience lmao
When I was 4 I had an upper respiratory infection that was misdiagnosed as asthma. Had my mom not brought me back to the hospital and demand a second opinion, had I just kept using the inhaler I was prescribed, I would have eventually suffocated and died. Yea last time I checked, asthma doesn't cause fevers. Also funny thing is I actually do have asthma now lol.
The following is from what my mother has told me. Once when I was little (like, 2 or so?), I was with my mother and aunt and we were at a busy intersection. I suddenly darted onto the street and my mother and aunt were freaking out, so one of them ran out to grab me before I got myself killed.
Was driving 120 km/h on the highway. I wanted to change music so I was looking at my phone. I suddenly I see something in my peripheral. Something very big, and it is on the road; a moose. Change lanes and step on the break. Luckily I was fine.
Those fuckers are big. If you hit one with a car you will clip its legs and its head will be inside the car.
I also almost got hit by a car going 60+ miles an hour. I was riding my bike and I neared a fast, busy road so I hit the brakes. My brakes didn't work for some reason, and I went flying into oncoming traffic. I barely made it past a car and it grazed the back wheel of my bike, throwing me and my bike onto the ground on the other side of the road. I was screaming the whole time, and I sat on the ground and cried for a few minutes before crossing the street again and going home. Also, my brother was there and he was laughing at me the whole time.
When I was 12 or 13 I almost drowned.
I was swimming at a lake with my family. There was a natural water slide there that had been formed in the rocks and it always had water rushing through it at high speeds. My younger brother and I decided to take an inflatable tube and go down the slide together. Everything was fine on the way down, but when we reached the bottom, chaos broke loose. Our tube hit the side of the slide at the end and flipped over, dumping my brother and me into the water. There were slippery rocks everywhere and the water was rushing over us really fast. We both were struggling to stay above the water when my brother grabbed my head and shoved me underwater completely in an attempt to pull himself up. I just remember the feeling of panic in my chest and the struggle to get back up before I felt my vision fading away. Before I could black out, my dad grabbed my brother and me and pulled us out of the water. I remember crying afterwards from how scary it was. I was okay in the end, but I spent the rest of our time there out of the water.
This might sound fake but you can choose to believe me or not, either way I don’t blame you
TLDR: almost tried to commit suicide by cutting my neck when I was 8-11 years old
It was a Saturday morning, I picked up some scissors left on a drawer in my room. I opened the scissors, moved them slowly towards my neck, paused, put them back on the drawer and went back to bed to watch Cartoon Network.
Not me but my brother. When I was three and my brother was one we were coming home from the grocery store when my mom looked back and noticed my brother’s lips were blue. My mom drove to the hospital as fast as she could and, dragging me behind her, rushed my brother inside where a nurse was waiting to take him. They were able to get him breathing again. My aunt is an ER nurse at the hospital and when she asked the other nurses about how their day was later on, they said they were minutes away from losing a baby boy. That boy was my brother. He’s 13 now and is doing fine.
This was fairly recently, but I was on my way home from the bus stop, and almost got hit
When I was 10, I had glass pans that you use to put stuff in the oven, and one night, while dinner was cooking, I wanted to eat sooner, so I had gotten a glass pan, two slices of bread, placed the slices on the pan, and placed the pan on a hot stove, waited, then boom. An explosion of glass covered the stove area and I was near the explosion. After I had to confront my parents about the accident, I was told that I could have died by being in the explosion. My mom was very enraged, My older brother, dad, and dad's cousin had to hold her away from me. After telling my sister who was waking up, I had to sweep the floor and clean the stove top. Another one happened recently, so I was running late to high school so my grandma had to give me a ride. I had my headphones on and she was telling me what to do once she stopped the car at the light, and when we got to the light, I immediately went out to the front of the car. The road was slippery, and I fell in front of another car which unfortunately stopped. After a embarrassing moment of my grandma being mad and my brother disappointed look, I made it to school. At second block, a classmate noticed that I had fell.
Y’all remember that scene in better call Saul where chuck passes out in that photocopy center and hits his head on the corner of the counter? Yeah that happened to me when I was 7.
Thankfully I only came out of it with a concussion but I remember my parents saying a few years later that had I hit my head like an inch lower I’d have died instantly or something like that
Creeps me out whenever I think about it. I’m a huge believer in quantum immortality, too, so I truly believe that I died that day in a sense…
You know the adpocalypse is hitting hard when the word drunk is being censored
Was blood sugar was 1025 once