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** This video is purely fan-made, if you (owners) want to remove this video, please CONTACT US DIRECTLY before doing anything. We will respectfully remove it. mounhonto@gmail.com
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Why not stay home?
People really need to know how to operate their Hazzard (Flashers) in theses situations! It could save your life and many others! SMDH!
just watching these gives me anxiety because i know whats gonna happen
Please bet a system to prevent or s,ow this down… flares. Air f.ares special ham codes.. cars empty.. lasers. Do somethung,, get scientists to work a system..
Call your govrnors people… im in canada and this is happe ing way ti much,, people dying .. crushed to death ..
Maybe make laws on speed in bad weather get police out there more too. Bad weather u mist go to 45 5p mph over 54 u can be put in jail… we need to slow down people and get flares… over 650 dead now last 5 yrs… ridiculous.. truck companies need better radio system on thsi crap too. Take care all maybe someone will call a governor for me … i will write a letter too…
What I still don't understand, is why people are still so stupid as to drive 60 plus mph on roads that are covered with ice or and snow, especially when they can't even see past their own hoods! Just because you're in a 4 wheel drive vehicle doesnt mean that you have a zero penalty pass to go that fast in ANY inclement weather you stupid fucks.
You know you are pretty much dead when crush between two semi's
This is why the north sucks. Sorry, not sorry.
9:10 smart truck driver. He saw the liquid nitrogen truck and was like "F*** THAT, I'm reversing"
The general public is too stupid to operate any vehicle on any road way in any weather.
A lot of swift drivers in their natural habitat
just dont get it, why people have drive so fast when its snow & ice ,!!! so dumb !!!
I do not understand. What prevents the organization of truck drivers from sharing a common radio channel and immediately warning about the danger along the chain back? Trucks are the main (and most destructive) culprits of such massive accidents.
Just think, that all probably started because of one person going to fast and crashed. Then it goes from there.
We love snow
I'll never understand the people that get out to look at the damage as these things start
People need to slow the fuck down! I drive a big rig now and every truck should have been in the right lane with their hazards on, taking it easy.
Send your prayers? How about you start actually doing something to help people, prayer boy?
Jjjjjeeeeesssssuuuussss of christ
this is what happens when the salt trucks arent allowed to do their jobs
"Send prayers?" How about stop filming and call 911?????
If there were people trap and in need prayer then why aren't you helping them instead of filming ?
It was nice to see no gas tankers in that pile up
Being honest. If giant trucks didn't exist. Fatality rates from car accidents would go way way lower. Such power can just wipe a life away. God bless
Truck drivers are the worst, fuck your schedule, you kill someone over negligence, I’ll come for you. Slow the fuck down idiots.
Half the reason why the pile ups started in this video was because of the huge semi trucks going so fast!
A recording of a recording of a recording ?
5:45 – Just one after another… How many died in that one?
If you crash, your not making money dumb ass, slow the fuck down
truckers are real retards . bunch of brainless hillbillys . hearing those trucks crashing into each other one by one was hilarious though
are people retarded . still coming in fast an they see a pile up
People never learn,you cant drive down a ice highway at 75 mph,an then try to stop.
That's why there are laws on tailgating
How stupid are truck drivers? There has to be an answer.
The safest place to be (generally speaking) when you are involved in an accident like this is INSIDE YOU VEHICLE! It surprised the shit out of me the number of people that get out of their vehicles in the wreckage while other cars and trucks are colliding is astonishing! WTF. Good way to get your ass ran the hell over
here's an idea… worst weather conditions possible… lets drive faster !!!