Призраки.Привидения.Духи.Фантомы.Часть 10//Ghost caught on camera.Part 10
Mysterious and Paranormal Events Caught on Camera//Мистические и паранормальные явления снятые на камеру.
Videos de fantasmas//echte geister videos//أشباح تم تصويره على الكاميرا//شبح القبض على الكاميرا أعلى أشرطة فيديو مخيفة.//भूतों को कैमरे पर फिल्माया गया//
רפאים שצולמו במצלמה//ارواح فیلم برداری شده در دوربین//kamerada çekilen hayaletler//fantômes de caméra//scariest video ever.
In this video you will see:ghost sightings and real ghost video and unexplained mysteries and mysterious creatures and paranormal phenomena.
En este video verás:fantasmas captados en camara y videos reales de fantasmas y videos paranormales.
In diesem Video sehen Sie:echte geister videos.
В этом выпуске Вы увидите:призраков,привидений,духов,фантомов снятых на камеру.
Я уже на первом видео охренел, что это за стрёмная морда?! Спасибо за жуть!)?
The abandoned house clip is probably just a homeless person looking out
СУПЕР КЛАСС!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ОБОЖАЮ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ЛАЙК!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
حلو كثير شكرا
1:51 Мне одной показалось, что этот взгляд ребёнка какой – то странный…. Не человеческий.
Your videos are the BEST!!!
Стремноватые видосики
When that white truck disintegrated there was a person that was walking on that side of the street as well and they disappeared at the time wright before the truck did!
Another thing i wanted to point out in yo videos they are the bomb even if i cant speak tha damn language ??
Hey look eveybody aint freakin russian or whatever this language might be please think alittle about everone else and mindful i put shit in English u might get more Subsribers….
I always look forward to your videos.. your awesome ??
? Great ? Good One ? Nice Video ??
at 2:54 there is a guy walking right before the truck explodes and he disappears .. look for yourself
I lov scary ghost on video
11:42 что за музыка?
There are two people in the back bedroom with the dogs. Watch his shoulder as he crossed. A second hand pushes him then pulls back.
Thankyou Mistic&k ???
Another great video. Very compelling videos
??? Спасибо большое
Супер ?
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