It’s hard to believe that any good could come from an earthquake-triggered tsunami responsible for significant loss of life, but after the dust had settled and people began to rebuild their lives, many objects considered long since missing, began turning up on several beaches, some many thousands of miles from home. From the Harley Davidson swept onto the Canadian coast to the tragic loss of a teenage rock band, here are 15 Strangest Things Discovered After Tsunamis.
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Background Music By: Kevin MacLeod:
why the hell do you show a picture of the rena at the end it was wrecked by stupidity not by a natural event
This guy’s narration is sooooo annoying ‼️‼️??
#startopic Why is if for the "ghost ship" have an Iowa class battleship for the back round
I guess your audience are children.
I mean its fake
#startopic theres now way thats a photoshoped USS iowa
Its pronounced "BOY" for Buoy #typicalamerican
You say strange but neither of these are strange
I'm still looking for a pair of them Nikes…
Did he say murder cycle "?
Worst Fake Voice narrator EVORRRR !!!
After 4.33M subscribers … You all still saying SUBSCRIBER !!! lol
Using metric terms and English measurements is both annoying and confusing !
Our great oceans are now nothing but dumps!????????
hai i'm from Indonesia 🙂
I gave up to many ADS
lame video…. you can do better….
7:57 How the ** are you able to write underwater
3:30 Oh god damnit… Baby gurl. Jezus…
Wish the tsunami could wash away the ads too. I don't need so many ads in such a small clip.
The cartoon icon you use for your videos is so adorable. Good job. ? the black haired merboy. ?
Tide could have taken it out to sea again
Buoy is NOT pronounced boo-i ! It’s pronounced BOY !
Truly interesting topics but an absolutely atrocious number of commercials! Stop this madness!
Thats so sad . Someone loved her and now shes in a nursing home
people complaining about ads meanwhile I open the TV just for the ads
This guy talks just like my ass whole boss. He talks like this tell you how to hold your fork in the most efficient way when eating soup.
I think the little girl actually saw a ghost ship ?
The earth is no older than 6,000 years! Not sure where they get millions.
This list just give me a lot to think about what a shame.
Too many ads. Unsubscribed!!
I lived in misawa 2 years.
Love the Ducky's 🙂
After Tsunamis? Goodby. John,Australia.
talking a lot less makes these films more enjoyable, one talks to much, and want's to communicate to much facts , in too little time.
To many ads now on here and its slowly putting me off coming on this site
A tsunami strong enough to shift the earth's axis?! That's insanity
9 adds
To many Ad. So i did not watch but about 6 min. of the video.
only got to 7 minutes, way to many ads already, annoying.
#Startopic , It must've been the battleship Yamato… It has been seen & revived through japanese Animation so much, that I would expect it to resurface again on a japanese beach somewhere for real & it was like the description heavily scarred by battle too… However ghostship(s) never remain long & go places… Much to the surprise of unsuspecting witnesses…
Too many ads you greedy man
2,44 little girl is a bullshitter and so are you ,great keppel island wreck
The ghost ship has a legend around it in many places. Legend says, when a tsunami or other intense storm or natural disaster is going to happen within the next twenty-four hours, the ghost ship will make an appearance. If I remember correctly, it only appears to a person who is native to the most affected area.
So the dude didn't take the new bike? What an idiot!!
To much talk
Who cares let the ocean wipe Jesus off his god damn cross
Hi from Sweden