Rescued Puppy That Was Seriously Injured by the Train Leaving and Swept Him Along

Rescued Puppy That Was Seriously Injured by the Train Leaving and Swept Him Along
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Rescued the puppy that was seriously injured by the train leaving and swept him along.- ?? Subscribe Here:

This is our latest rescue. I think maybe he was under the repair ship that passed 15-20 minutes ago. The train left and swept him.
My mind is gone. Sorry for the voices. I could not endure.

He was taken to the Vet as quickly as possible. The back skin is torn. His head is bleeding. Thankfully I found it on time. I found it as if I put it with my hand. He did not even sound. We named him Canavar.

Canavar is better today. It’s very apettite. We will now wait for the sutures to catch up and not get infected. Pray to him.

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About the Author: Animal Rescue Dogs


  1. В таких трагедиях виноваты люди, оставившие щенка без присмотра! Но есть люди, спасающие таких малышей. На его рану страшно смотреть. И больно было очень. Спасибо за помощь и спасение!

  2. Poor little canavar.. I think humans did this.. As a pup train will have kill that little guy..someone dumped puppy there… Get well soon.. ⭐???????❤️?????????????

  3. Que su rehabilitación sea exitosa y esos malos días queden en el pasado, bendiciones por siempre pequeño Ángel ?❤?❤???

  4. The train conductor/driver either didn't see the dog or couldn't stop the train in time. It's a huge heavy "vehicle". Heavier it is the harder it to stop once up to speed. This train was pulling out …so it was accelerating. Maybe the dog thought it could run past the train fast enough? Was a puppy though. Not experienced. What is amazing is the puppy lived. Recovered after a day to the point where it could eat on his own. Had enough strength. He could have died upon impact. Though we don't know how the train made contact exactly…could have tore his skin landing and the train "scooped" him into the air. No broken bones? We don't know what happened to the pup…later..

  5. God bless you puppy?☝️???? Thanks so much Guys for saving cute puppy And Guys you're really beautiful peoples??????????????????❤️❤️❤️??????

  6. 幼い命を助けてくれてありがとうThank You?優しくしてくれて本当にありがとうございます(*´ω`*)?ご飯を食べてたので少し元気が出たのかな?

  7. Poor dog how come that train didnt see that dog like this is not right i mean who would have a dog and just hurt them like this protect the puppy hood god bless these animals??????

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