Rescue Poor Dog Who Distemper Survivor with severe sarcoptic Mange | Amazing Transformation
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Rescue Poor Dog Who Distemper Survivor with severe sarcoptic Mange | Amazing Transformation
Courtesy: Arf Manila
Please donate: Paypal: animalrescuefamilyph@gmail.com
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
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Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Susi such a beautiful girl ❤️? thank you for rescuing ♥️ ? this innocent baby ❤️ ? getting the help needed for her ❤️? so precious ❤️?
God bless you all and thanks very much for helping rescuing saving and caring for this poor helpless dog ???❣️??. What kind of monster and psychopath that can do this to an animal ???Don’t jail this monster just give him/her back the same cruel treatment they did to the poor helpless dog ?
Strong for dog
Thank you to the angels who would not let her die. And to the wonderful woman who gave Susi a new and happy life.
pobre bb me parte el corazon?
Thank you ??
E uma anjinha como sofre meu Deus ? judiação. Gratidão eterna pelo resgate da anjinha ❤️Suzi linda. Faz acupuntura. Vcs são maravilhosos amo vcs .saludos desde Brazil ??
Stupendo ???????????
Thanks ????????
So many wonderful people who helped this poor baby! Thank you!
And to the pos people who hurt this lovely girl – karma is coming for you!
Thank you angels for rescueing this baby from distemper and what s transformation .God bless you all.
These videos are so hard to watch!! I wanna cry on all of them, but when I see the animals healed at the end, I’m so happy! Too many precious animals suffer so needlessly but God bless all those who rescue these precious souls ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Сколько боли и страдания. Спасибо ч о нашли и спасли. Удачи в выздоровление. Хорошо что у кого то появляется шанс на спасение. Спасибо.
God Bless you! Thank You!:)
Parabéns!!!! Por salva-la!! A Susy é muito LINDA!!
God bless YOU for saving!!
Precioso con su nuevo cabello y su nueva familia
Qnt amor !!! O amor transforma definitivamente ???✔?
Please help Arf Manila (the rescuer) with whatever you are getting from YouTube.
A smile is wonderful❣️❣️
Thank you for always helping.?
your wonderful???
god bless you✨?✨
Obrigada por tudo Deus abençoe vocês ❤???