Daniel takes a look at cringey golf accidents and boring golf victories.
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#Tosh #DanielTosh #Golf
I can watch golf all day if this happens
I was seriously just about to type "try that shit at the shooting range and see how it goes.." then the shooting range scene happened
Wait wait how are they still running into people? Are they super wasted?
Some of the shit that Daniel wears is…interesting.
I’m in tears.
This makes as much sense as soaping the floor while someone is in the shower.
Easy to make any shot when yoyr camera cuts scenes
Go back to walking
They were doing like 20mph not 7mph lol
If you hit me with A golf cart and expect A laugh, I will tee off on your ankles and expect the same laugh.
Is this a new mario kart gamemode?
Uh, that's a squash court….
White People. Lol…???????????
"Golf has become too affordable" is actually pretty spot on.
Dude he was about to pistol whip ahahahahaha
The one at 1:50 is staged. Watch dudes right foot brace as to protect ankle snappage.
I cant believe all of them run over which looks like on purpose, looks super dangerous. Total Idiots
I would never hit someone with a golf cart but I sure find it funny when other people do! ??
That's a great way to break a leg or tear a bunch of ligaments which would require surgery and months of recovery. These idiots are a different level of stupid.
Best thing about Disc Golf is there isn't an idiot who will run you over with his cart. We're all WAY too stoned for that.
Josh has never been funny to me and after seeing this video (couldn’t watch the whole thing I physically can’t bear to hear his “jokes”) that opinion still hasn’t changed
My 9 Iron would be up their ass if they tried that shit on me.
hahaha about 1:00 in …… talk about asmr Daniel,. daaaaamn!!!
Somebody runs me down with a cart is going home with a Big Bertha (his) sticking out both ends.
I would have a heartattack of the anger if some drunkass injured me with a golfcar.
Tosho love them jammies.
Tosh needs to do ASMR
I wanna see one of these drivers get fucked up why couldn’t they have been the columbine victims
Lol the pool girl is his wife
Bugger me didn't Tosh used to be funny
umm… looks like attempted murder