Netanyahu at War (full film) | FRONTLINE

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An inside look at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political rise and his combative relationship with past U.S. presidents.

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  1. Pure propaganda from Zionist if you are a Christian and you support sinus you need to read your Bible Zionism is not biblical whatsoever. Israel is antichrist now

  2. It’s ironic. The so called right wing protesters against Oslo accord, were children of the Jewish refugees from Arab countries.
    These people speak Arabic, think Arabic understand Arabic. They knew that Oslo accord was a death sentence to Israel. The white Ashkenazi Rabin and Peres did not have a foggiest idea what they actually signed. It is amazing that the dark jews of israel till today remain the Guarantor of Israeli security , and till today white liberal delusional Jews still don’t get it. Anyone who read the Quran knows that Destruction of Israel is the main cornerstone objective of Islam. And just because liberal Jews don’t believe in god they think that Muslims don’t believe either.

  3. Thie US Congress was out off line for allowing Benjamin Netanyahu to usurp President Obama and dictate U. S. policy.

    President Trump backed out of the Iranian Nuclear Deal because of Netanyahu. Netanyahu is at.war using U.S. service members. Let Isreal fight their own battles. Isreal is the midwest. Get out of Palestine and leave Iran alone

  4. Barry Soetoro, aka Barrack Obama, hates Israel with a passion. President Trump truly loves the Israelis. Israel is our first defense against Iran! They are the most advanced people in the entire region. I urge you to support Israel and the USA! Barry Soetoro is a fraudster!

  5. Obama is gone, Netanyahu remains without Peace Israelis are still living in Fear BiBi is still protecting Jews by Force still making deals.!! Political rise and fall have yet to come.!! Land of the Prophets is given by GOD not taken by Human Force.!! Trump offered a Business deal a Plan.!! BiBi wants to praise him like GOD.!! They say Trump knows what he is doing.!! Iranophobia has been going for too long.!! Prophecy of BIBI Iran destroying Israel or BIBI's paranoia about Iran for political gain? Israeli PM was assassinated in Isreal and Arafat died in France.!! Jerusalem is the Kingdom of Heaven and that is for All.!! Follow the 10 commandments and that is your 11th Command.!!~1~!!.

  6. Obama is gone, Netanyahu remains without Peace Israelis are still living in Fear BiBi is still protecting Jews by Force still making deals.!! Political rise and fall have yet to come.!! Land of the Prophets is given by GOD not taken by Human Force.!! Trump offered a Business deal a Plan.!! BiBi wants to praise him like GOD.!! They say Trump knows what he is doing.!! Iranophobia has been going for too long.!! Prophecy of BIBI Iran destroying Israel or BIBI's paranoia about Iran for political gain? Israeli PM was assassinated in Isreal and Arafat died in France.!! Jerusalem is the Kingdom of Heaven and that is for All.!! Follow the 10 commandments and that is your 11th Command.!!~1~!!.

  7. Are we all stupid…. Netanyahu is a rabble rousing, power hungry, revenge bent, And the widow had nothing to gain by her statements Only the truth was spoken by her

  8. Read book or watch documentary AIPAC by John Mearsheimer (University of Chicago) and Steve Walt (Harvard). AIPAC bought off our politicians, don't play ball they go after you. AIPAC are presently trying to stop Bernie Sanders and they complain about Russia.

  9. Remember when he testified in front of Congress that lead us to war in Iraq? Pepperidge Farms remembers. Now queue up Ben Shapiro's violin and 50 WWII Germany documentaries on Netflix to distract and somehow shame us.

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