This dog always runs full speed ahead of his mountain biker dad.
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This dog faster than my dog (and me)
Life is better with a dog ? ! Love ? this story ❤️
Sydney approves
All Dogs And Cats Are Special…Especially IfYou Adopt You'll Have Friendship For Life… And They'll Never Give Up On You Unlike Us Humans Seem To Do At our Whim .
1:00 Reminds of Me Off The Mountains In My Scotland and the West highland Way….If You've Never Walked It etc It is spectacular scenery that'll take you on hidden secrets of Scotland?.. I was Born In Dumfries a lowlander….and walked the west highland Way wow!….some of the scenery was on Harry Potter and the Walk up the Devils staircase next to Buchaille Etive Mor Sits There alone Watching you seemingly as you scale the 3500ft at the top you can see Ben Nevis Roughly 40miles away as you look down at The kinghouse hotel where we camped the night before and we looked at the Great Glen and Two Toons Divided by a line Kinlochleven and Kinlochmore ( if my memory serves me correctly) what a veiw i will never forget it Iwas 19yrs old now I'm 53yrs old it was the greatest journey of my life and My Dad Freddie Didn't Think I would complete the journey considering the weight i was carrying 6st or 37.5 kg roughly and the finish according to the WHLDWY Map At The Bridge Of Nevis We Negotiated our way up Ben Nevis 4500 ft (rghly) and my said he would be waiting for my call to say I can't finish it…..but I did we met people from all over the world which i was flabbergasted at that people from USAetc and Holland,Denmark and some people clearly had exposure so we contacted the appropriate people they would babble incoherently and going up mountains with a t shirt on even though it was at the height of summer etc you're up at almost 4,000 ft and it was cold we had our oil skins on as it would rain at the drop of a hat but it was all worth it and a couple months later my dad died in a horrific car crash which was all over local media anyway life goes on and I WONT FORGET THE WEST HIGHLAND WAY….FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. AND THE SCENERY WAS SPECTACULAR AND LIFE CHANGING….cheerio..Thanks DoDo
my heart is so happy
Balu and Dad look like they are both living the best life
This is actually best life as a guy who love doggs
I think Balu is enjoying being the mail person and his owner the dog?.
I had a dog that was this ones twin….I can envision Porsha doing this with me if she was still here. I miss her so…
Beautiful and very touching. Woof, woof, woof.
I want one like him
That was amazing…What a great story. Loved it.
Beautiful relationship between 2 best friends ?❤️
What kind of vehicle was that? I'm looming for one that can hold my bike without taking off the tires.
Lovely story ♥️
God bless and all the best to both!
Balu in Sinhalese ( Sri Lankan ) means , Dog ? . How weirded is that .He literally named his dog as dog .??
Trail doggoo❤️
Okay, i'm 100% certain this dude is German. I'm German too, so I easily recognize typical German behaviour and speech patterns when we speak English. The subtle grammar mistakes, like a missing s at the end of a word, or certain pronounciations are always dead giveaways, alongside using words that are non-existent or not used the same in English in comparison to German, like how he said "mobile home" (obviously he derives it from the German "Wohnmobil"). But i could be wrong though.
Wow, such a beautiful connection to see man and his furry partner. Adorable.
That's a happy dog!
That dog, takes short cuts and looks back to see if humans understand it or they are lost!
My 2 favorite things; dogs and bikes! Just wonderful!
Aussies were made for this…
What a happy dog.
So glad to see a pleasant video of humans and animals.
God bless you?????
2:51 Great dog but props to the guy with a bike on his back while paddling, standing, AND balancing.