5 Mysterious Objects Caught On Camera Moving
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5 Mysterious Objects Caught On Camera Moving
More Videos ► http://bit.ly/1Tvc4Ss
*No copyright infringement intended. Video will be removed if requested by the copyright owner.
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1:13 mmm hmmm tch .. First things first imma say all the words..
Its creepy
Jaykumar jio2020
Me:"I think I'll have a snack." Walks into kitchen and sees cabinet door opening repeatedly: "Oh shit! Never mind. I wasn't that hungry anyway."
OMG ?????
Ya están aquiiiii!!!!!!????
Tum hamare dimag Ko darana chahte ho??
At 1#
I see the bear moving
Don’t worry…
It’s just dead people reminding us that they are still alive
Camera in kitchen.
wow to scary hahah
조작..! 낚시줄 보이네 글고 떨어지는것은 얼마든지 가능하지만 떨어진거 올려놓는건 불가능 그래서 조작이라는거다?
R u dead bruh…U didn't uploaded since a year
Number 4 could of bin the wind if it was strong enough making the bike move
That’s the invisible man
كتابين ?
1:10 kitchen song
1:47 i see a potato fly around my roon
The bike one is certainly strong wind because you see the white poster move on the big iron fences
This video scared the shit outta me
i'm scared? need cuddles
This third one is impossible
Cctv cameras do not shake?
Ghosts need groceries too
1:15 Just your friendly music teacher ghost getting breakfast
Sub me please ??
Video editing
jah is behind all of this.