To see more of our work to help animals worldwide:
Humane Society International’s animal rescue team works tirelessly on Australia’s Kangaroo Island to save wild animals injured and traumatized by the devastating wildfires.
In response to the devastating fires in Australia, Humane Society International is working with HSI/Australia, with our assessment team, in caring for affected animals, including the purchase of additional resources and providing food and water stations to animals still living in the burned out areas. Thank you for all of your support and helping make this work possible.
It’s so amazing how these animals are so calm with these humans. It goes to show how helpless they are and how they know they need help. They just give themselves over knowing they will be taken care of my heart hurts for them!
This shatters my heart… The Australian government needs to be doing EVERYTHING in its power to ensure that their native species survive but thrive.
God Bless you wonderful people for helping these beautiful koalas that are suffering so much. Some of them know they are in safe hands. Its shocking and sad what is happening but I have to watch because I know we have to do what we can long term to help the koalas and other animals. This is a life changing disaster for the koalas, the other animals here in Australia and us. Please donate to their ' go fund me ' page. Everything that lives must be protected. ^j^
Thanks to the Humane Society. I knew you were there just like you are with every crisis!
Bless you beautiful people and the animals??

Thank you, we really appreciate this!
We need all the help we can
Thank you for helping them.
Thank you HSI for your lifesaving work!! ???
Thanks to the people who help the animals. So sad that innocent animals died in such terrible pain. They just wanted to live …?????
guess what most of the donations people have donated are being kept by red cross, barely a third actually goes to familys affected
Twvm hero safe the koala, u are angel
And human beings caused this too. That’s something a lot of people don’t want to hear, but it’s true.
Well done for your amazing work
Humane Society thank you for scouring for these destitute animals and bringing them to safety. You people are my heroes and also heroes to these animals.
How could the Australia Bushfire burn destroy this 1 million animals?
Un très grand Merci à vous tous ?? pour tout vos sauvetages ??? bravos . C'est tellement triste ?? de voir c'est pauvres Animaux en détresse ???
Please help the animals at the Taiz zoo in Yemen. It’s a private zoo and the animals have no food or water and the lions are dying a slow and painful death. I would have posted on the International sight, but can’t find them. Please help them. https://youtu.be/2fVibIWGRjE
thank you so much for what you do!!! Sending you all the love !
Thank you so much for taking in this animals. It's not like our government cares about them.

Take my life and give em a life plzzzzz
Omg thank good ness the fire is done. N the animals are okay
These animals, are scared, depressed and in shock. Hardly any of them are putting up a fight.
Thank you HUMANE SOCIETY for your hard wok. We will support you with a donation and our prayers