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Compilation of the best free falling extreme sports in the world, stunts backflips and tricks, wingsuit flyingthrough a keyhole, extreme wingsuit Free falling, freestyle, redbull, drone footage, GoPro, flips, base jumping, cliff jumping, world record tricks, monster energy, world record people are awesome, people are insane, people are amazing, 2016, 2017, vines.
** This video is also dedicated to all who have lost their lives through the dangers of extreme sports **
Music By
Jean Michel Jarre – Oxygen II
Disques Dreyfus/Polydor
Felix Baumgartner (German born 20 April 1969) is an Austrian skydiver, daredevil and BASE jumper. He is best known for jumping to Earth from a helium balloon in the stratosphere on 14 October 2012. Doing so, he set world records for skydiving an estimated 39 km (24 mi), reaching an estimated top speed of 1,357.64 km/h (843.6 mph), or Mach 1.25, He became the first person to break the sound barrier without vehicular power relative to the surface on his descent. He broke skydiving records for exit altitude, vertical freefall distance without drogue, Though he still holds the latter records, the first was broken two years later, when on 24 October 2014, Alan Eustace jumped from 135,890 feet – or, 41.42 km (25.74 mi) with a drogue.
Baumgartner is also renowned for the particularly dangerous nature of the stunts he has performed during his career. Baumgartner spent time in the Austrian military where he practiced parachute jumping, including training to land on small target zones.
Luke Aikins (born November 21, 1973) is an American professional skydiver, BASE jumper, pilot, and aerial photographer. He is the first person to intentionally dive from mid-tropospheric altitude and land safely without a parachute or a wingsuit and the second skydiver to intentionally and safely land without using a parachute
On July 30, 2016, Aikins jumped from an aircraft without any parachute or wingsuit at an altitude of 25,000 feet (7,620 m) above Simi Valley, California, watched by a live audience. After about two minutes of free fall he successfully landed in a 100-by-100-foot (30 by 30 m) net just outside of Simi Valley, California. Aikins reached a terminal velocity of 120 miles per hour (193 km/h) during the fall.The net was made from Spectra, a high-density polyethylene cord. It had four compressed air cylinders designed to gently slow him down after impact.
Roberta Mancino is an Italian skydiver, BASE jumper, wingsuit flyer and international model. She has participated in more than 7,000 skydives and won several awards and world records. She has gone on four skydives while completely naked, and on five occasions her parachute did not open in mid-jump. In 2010, Mancino was named the World’s Sexiest Female Athlete by the magazine Men’s Fitness
In 2003, Roberta Mancino placed first in the Malevski Cup at the Russia Freestyle and the Space Games Freestyle. In 2004, she won first place in the Tunnel Competition in Orlando, Florida. She received both the Italian Record and Euro Record for skydiving in 2005, and won first place in the Tunnel Competition in Perris Valley, California. In 2007, Mancino broke the European Record for Formation Freefly and the World Record for Formation 69-Way Freefly. Also that year, she placed first in the Italian Nationals of Skydiving. In 2009, she took part to a world record 108-way freefly in Chicago.
In September 2013 she placed 2nd overall women in the ProBase Worldcup held in Stechelberg, Switzerland
Felix Baumgartner
Luke Aikins
Roberta Mancino
huhi tsm kuro edg c9
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****************************************************************** 70 aviation solar silver
Ok..so fake it's not even funny lol
Thats are very amazing people are truely amazing
I loved the video (and this channel) and wow, Jean Micheal Jarre, brought me back, very elegant music selection 😉
Absolutely FLAT HORIZON.
Oh, hell no! I could never do that!
I wonder why the cosmonaft started falling..?
Im good with my elytra in minecraft
Amaising product!I want too
woah, it is awesome man. loved it bro.
awesome sir good amazing
Wonderful, amazing! And the music of Jarre is perfect!
Really cool compilation and music
Awesome . Loved the music too
Had to watch this twice. Incredible video. And a bonus Jarre's Oxygene as well. Thanks for this one
Do you believe the earth is flat, too. Great!