Do we have a future? What kind of future?
The Climate Tsunami is a 50 minute video essay that aims to support a realistic picture of current climate concerns.
The Climate Tsunami is fiction, it builds on the facts of climate heating to enable the planet to speak about it.
In a sometimes shocking, often touching deep dive, the planet draws on its long historical perspective to show and tell where we are with climate heating and where it might be taking us;
—how human abuse of the planet as a living body has triggered an autonomic response of climate heating;
—how humankind has a clear choice between voluntary shrinkage of its civilizations or possible catastrophic collapse.
The Climate Tsunami is a personal, independent video production, based on three years research, written, photographed and edited by Denis Postle, a veteran documentary film director, therapist, writer and musician.
For more from Denis Postle visit https://vimeo.com/user1576172
"The planet earth is a kind of body … running a temperature, a fever, … human creatures moved from being a benign partner with the earth to a form of infection, a toxic infection and the toxicity put a carbon dioxide roof around us and now we all have a fever … "
It didn't have to be this way. Had we only listened to the indigenous peoples, the scientists, our own hearts…
Just when it looked like humans would destroy all life on Earth, Mother Nature stepped in.
Already at 410+ PPMs and rising fast to unsustainable temps. In a system based on growth for its political and economic survival, there is no stopping it. No growth, means economic and political chaos, so it won't stop. The exponential function is about to unleash its fury into the planet, we are screwed !!!!
Finally someone mentions the loss of atmosphere!
31:50 It's about time to give up this moral talk. And think about Paradise California, most of Australia, Fort McMurry, Alberta. Floods in farmland USA. Shall I continue? The rich have money to rebuild and pretend nothing happened.
Couldn´t this be shown in schools and political meetings? It really deseves to be seen!
Every Job should be local , ( Work at home or where you live inside a village )Planned Town/ Villages should be the Norm,,less Traffic , less emissions, Less travel. Travel should be considered unusual. We can Video-Port as a mode of travel . Work and Socialize By Video Conference . Be more involved in your direct community and local politics and planning . WE are too transient in recent history . Most people move every five years , if they are moving for Careers. That wastes energy and uses too much of our lives also .
Climate change is happening but not in heat. We are going into a Grand solar minimum (cooling). We are being affected by increasing Milankovitch cycle (cooling). Don't believe MSM (main stream media) do your own research into the climate. We have been hotter (Minoan period) we have had MUCH more CO2 in previous centuries. Don't be sheeple, do the research and make up your own mind, don't swallow this koolaid.
Global warming is a hoax and a scam. Anyone who is not being paid billions in government research grants who has some technical ability understands this. For all others it is the religion for people who think they are too smart for religion.
Nauseatingly twee.
We are wholly owned subsidiaries of marketing and sales. Try getting rid of stuff, use less, reduce, reuse, recycle in that order. Try the story of stuff. The circular economy has gone corporate, but it still has some good ideas. Keep at it. Despair and apathy are laziness in disguise.
Thank you Denis, we need this meditation/presentation. It is the prologue for our next step. Or perhaps our next thought – viewing and hearing, I feel the need to stand still. So much is unfolding and swirling – just stopping to observe is a vital act. Thank you.
Be afraid, be very afraid ?
Station Announcement –
This is Cognitive Dissonance Central.
The 2025 – Extinction Express Service – from Cognitive Dissonance Central, terminating
at BiosphereTerminus, is now standing at Platform Six.
Calling at:
Population Overshoot, Capital Crystal Spa, Business-as-Usual Road, Greenhouse Gas
Station, Global Warming Junction, Multiple Positive Feedback, Climate Chaos Central,
Migration Highway, Retreating Cryosphere, Sea Level Rise, Arctic Blue Ocean Event,
Clathrate Thaw, Global Dimming Halt, Anthropocene Thermal Maximum, Accumulated
Irradiation, M.A.D. Halt, Warmonger Street Stn, 450 Fukushima Daiichi Prefectures,
Dying Acidifying Oceans, O2 Depletion Depot, AMOC Retardation, Blue Carbon loss,
Defore Station, Desertification, Lower Aquifer, Pathogen Resurgence Road, Lymes Street
Station, Toxic Pollution Parkway, Plastic Gyre Harbour , Tar Sands, Societal Collapse
Junction and Biosphere Terminus.
Passengers travelling to Dehydration Parkway, and and all remaining stations to Famine
Central, please change at:
– Societal Collapse Junction.
We regret, there is no buffet service provided on this train.
The 2025 Extinction Express Service, now standing at Platform Six.
Brilliant !!! It's already a year since I've learned about the coming catastrophe and this is one of the very best videos I've watched on the subject. Now if only the rest of humanity would watch it, but they are too busy being ignorant.
THE ONLY ANSWER FOR MANKIND,, AND THIS IS THE ONLY ANSWER WITHIN OUR GRASP,, IS ,,,,,,,,,, DEPOPULATION. People need energy to exist. to reduce our energy demand, we must reduce our numbers. DAH! We must cut from 7.5 billion to 3 billion in 5 years or shut the hell up and enjoy the ride…
We (humanity) are doing all we can to not love each other while we desperately seek to be loved. Is this not the great fount of irony and tragedy? The self-sacrifice of forgiving, of mercy, of not condemning, of empathy, is just to much, to difficult for humanity. Some of us have leaned the freedom and creativity of loving. This freedom is available to all. It's free! There is no charge! Love is not an ideology. The behavior of loving seems to be of little interest to our political, religious, and business leaders.
The human ego is like the shell protecting the unborn chick. This shell prevents the chick from knowing it has eyes and wings. The unborn chick does not know that it can see and that it can fly. Apparently our leaders are unborn chicks. And they can't see or know in time to correct our behavior. We need to face facts.
It is too late. It is my continuing experience that a life filled with empathy, forgiveness, and acceptance makes for a day of joy. I speak here of acts not of beliefs. I prefer to go extinct loving than to go extinct filled with anger, hate, and greed. For indeed we are soon gone and forgotten. It does seem that all we do amounts to nothing.
Absurd? Yes, absurd! Good luck in all you do. …and the band played on…
so well done thank you for this .
great video liked happy Valentin's day i willy hope people change there ways !❤??
prevents one from seeing the cancer but crisis management is also active in sparing one from the cancer.
Anyone who takes the Climate Crisis seriously already knows that we're experiencing extreme weather events and it's guaranteed to only get worse. Along with the numerous ecosystems that we've done great damage to already. Makes me wonder if enough people will finally take notice and be willing to accept the emergency action that would be the world's only hope.
Overpopulation in a nutshell
This is brilliant. Many thanks.
Great job! Really touching.
Le futur n'a pas d'avenir ..! Superbe documentaire , magnifique réalisation, bravo et merci.
This was a good video until Greta and her act came on. If you have a point to make, using a teenage girl to make it is a good way to make people tune out.
Well, the human immune system heats up and… destroys the invaders. Indeed, Earth will do the same. It's a pity that humanity couldn't work with it, but instead, decided to war against it. The problem is that you can't win against Earth since the Earth is what permits life in the first place. It's a pretty simple concept really.
You will listen to those similar words inside yourself on an ayahuasca or San Pedro ceremony done properly but without words. You would just feel it in the depth of your most profound being.
An astonishing movie, gentle and disturbing. I like it that the earth speaks to us. Gonna sell my car.
Honest Government Ad | After the fires https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BmbvTvFQ3g
Short and satirical . I would recommend subscribing to that channel if you like this kind of stuff, and, even if you aren't Australian.
Save Our Planet
Really all one can do is try to prepare and love those close to us.
Sigh… ?
Excellent documentary!! The images and graphics perfectly drive home the message! Stark and unvarnished truth narrated by such a sweet and gentle voice that almost sounds like Winnie The Pooh himself is giving this dire warning. But somehow the juxtaposition of this soft voice whispering such an apocalyptic message seems to work perfectly. It held my rapt attention. Along with Climate Change remains the “elephant in the room that no one dare address” … the “Emperor Without Clothes” ie: the burgeoning unsustainable human population. And every ocean filled with garbage, plastics clogging the intestines of every aquatic specie, but it remains ignored because it’s below the water, “out of sight, out of mind”. If Climate Change does not destroy life on earth within the next 100 years, pollution will certainly do so shortly after. We’ve become the proverbial “frog in the slowly boiling water cauldron”, thinking we’re bathing in luxury … while we are actually boiling to death.
Mozart and Shakespeare wrote by candle light
But then… Humans developed ELECTRICITY
Electricity destroyed Human Life & Human Civilization
Australia is world's biggest coal exporter.
Take action! Stop Adani’s Carmichael coal and rail project!
=> https://www.marketforces.org.au/info/key-issues/theadanilist/