Rescue Poor Puppy was Abandoned be Eaten Alive by Thousand Maggots, Flies..| Heartbreaking
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Rescue Poor Puppy was Abandoned be Eaten Alive by Thousand Maggots, Flies..| Heartbreaking
Poor Abandoned puppy was eaten alive by thousand ticks, flies.. beside wall of rich family..
I sit and wonder…how can you put head on the pillow, you, who contribute to the suffering of these innocent souls?!
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More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Maggie is so well behaved…
You are not the rescuers posting this, are you? You are re-posting the original rescuer's video, but asking for donations. That is low…
Please ,update
Thank you so much for rescuing Maggie given her treatments and care,love and affection… I really appreciate all that you guys do just keep doing what you doing thank you?????????❤❤❤
Keep us updated
How is Maggie now?
Wow. How could any family dump a such a poor, beautiful, sweet dog outside their house
Oh come on stray paws! I think we can handle the video without the blurring.
Thank you for saving her! The rich folks are the one's that probably dumped her there that's why she stayed there! If not there just as wrong as the person that did! Both scumbags In my eyes and they both should suffer the same horrible death!
Молодцы нашли щенулю, лечили и ухаживали. Но в конце щенок истощенный сидит в каменных джунглях, вообще непонятно нашлись ли хозяева щенульки.
Thank you for saving Maggie
Thanks for saving Maggie's life, your the true hero in her and our eyes!!! What the hell is wrong with those people didn't even see or help that poor puppy! They need to be charged!!???????
Piccolo amore quanto avrà sofferto grazie per averlo curato e salvato grandi! spero che trovi presto l'amore di una famiglia che gli voglia tanto bene ciao piccolo buona vita amore grazie siete fantastici Ciao!!!!???❤??????
Thanks to you…???? ???
Бедный ребёнок, отчаяашись, тихо умирал, спасибо вам
So nice ??Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Muchas gracias.
How can you look it in her eyes and just leave her there…
Before You Tube I had no idea how much animal suffering there is and how many heartless and heinous people there are….. Or how many rescuers. I stated rescuing animals after seeing animal rescue on You Tube.
Why are you blurring it out ?
Dokter hewan mantab
Why don't you show her completely well?
Omg hoe kunnen mensen zo harteloos zijn en andere er gewoon voorbij gaan dat zijn monsters van mensen die geen gevoelens of hart hebben ???? al goed dat er nog enkele goede dierenliefhebbers zijn en vooral dieren redders dat zijn de echte helden supper zo een schat hoop dat het ooit echt stopt met al het dierenleed alle dieren verdienen respect en liefde en een for ever home
OMG, the God bless you and I am thankful for your saving animals ????♥♥♥?❤❤❤?????????????????
Good grief! She isn't being eaten alive by maggots, they are helping her live by eating the dead flesh and keeping the living flesh a little bit healthier. They can help with infection too if the flies don't carry too many germs.
Give her so much love ❤️ please. And want to see next video of her fully recover.?
I don't understand how people can just leave a dog like that lying there dying! I'm so glad you saved it. Please stop hiding the wounds.
So happy that she was rescued God Bless ❤️you for helping this beautiful dog ? ????????
Maggots don’t ‘eat one alive’. Maggots eat dead flesh so they actually help the animal.
Please help !!!! Nearly die !!! Nobody is care of her.
So sick, so sad !!!!! Thank you for your help !!!!
Wicked rotten people who could walk past this poor dog hope they rot in hell.
Do you not have beds or blankets for the dogs ? How could people help ? Why is there no more dogs ? Was it a vets office? Why no meds for the dog ? I never saw an iv in dogs back ?
That's a terrible name under the circumstances.
Какой милый малыш ,настрадался,а почему опять на улице ,
Thank you…thank you so much fr saving life this angel, Gbu always guys.
I couldn’t hear or tell what was happening. Terrible video, but I feel sorry for the poor doggy.