These people recently installed a Nest cam in their garage and immediately began receiving strange alerts. The garage is detached from the house and sits alone at the back of the property. Because of this footage it has now been months since anyone has been out there!
Source & embed code: https://rumble.com/v75r8k-collection-of-haunting-video-captured-in-families-garage.html.
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Got so scared I had to scroll down to look at the comments
Oooooh fuks, your place is so haunted
I think the ghosts fancied a party. Music, pool and gaming machines what else does a spirit need!
Nice garage
I would stay in that room for a few night and try to really see what’s going on in there. Video is great I bet to be there and actually witness it would be amazing and a little creepy too. Make all the hair on your body stand up and put your brain on high alert. Very cool capture thank you for sharing
The Ring app we use also has a bunch of flying orbs and figures. We get alerts about 4 times from 12 to 4 am. Its crazy.
3:46 ish at the bottom
Imagine the shit you gotta deal with when you just want some time alone in your man cave?
At least we know that Nest security systems detect the slightest movements/sound. That being said, There wasn't anything really convincing of a haunting. There are what looks like orbs floating around a bit and what looks like a huge dust bunny floating around. Other than the sounds of the pool balls, you're not seeing them move. Yes, the pinball machine turns on but it's never played so that could be chalked up to a short in the wiring. The sound of the radio playing is faint enough it could be a car passing by or a neighbor with their radio on. The disembodies voice saying "silence" is the only unexplainable thing.
Lots of orbs flying around. They seem to like the pool balls.
The music playing gave me chills. When I was a kid I used to hear Stars on 45 (Beatles Mix) coming from the wall heater. There was no one in the house playing music and it was a house so no attached neighbor. Never figured out where it was coming from
If this footage is real u have a portal in ur garage
Amazing stuff!! I'm a retired parapsychologist, get a respected medium who can guide those spirits but at d end of d video,all those orbs "raining" from d ceiling, to me, it looks like some sort of a portal, there r too many of them coming through at d same time, plus I get its d property not so much d structure per se that has d issues. Bless u sir!!!,?
Right when the guy leaves a song called stay plays… creepy
Time to call Zak Bagans.
Who/what made the "silence" noise? Was it the stereo?
Amazing video and this place is really haunted !
Can spirits move object from and to a different place ?
Wow the strands of ectoplasm are amazing and clear!!!??☺
You have a dust problem ..lol
W0W just W0W
Sorry buddy. I didn't see anything that cannot be explained in your video.
Sounds like music
FINALLY!!! Ghosts who aren’t destructive and angry and just want to have some fun! ?