Minoru Tanaka / A-Kira's Theme – Music inspired by Death Note One-Shot Manga

Minoru Tanaka / A-Kira's Theme - Music inspired by Death Note One-Shot Manga
Spread The Viralist

For music commissions or other business inquiries: gwinn_jojo@yahoo.com


Icon by: Platapotomas

Softwares used:
– Cubase 9.5
– EWQL ComposerCloud
– Audacity
– Goldwave
– DaVinci Resolve

Special thanks to my Patrons for the incredible support I’m getting from you. I cannot be grateful enough. Unbelievable. Thank you.


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About the Author: Gwinn


  1. I wish they'd take that oneshot as a jumping off point for a sequel anime tbh
    The world knowing the Death Note is real
    People thinking the United States has access to the Death Note
    The idea of Ryuk taking that Death Note to another person and making it seem like two are active in the world
    The old task force aged up a bit now
    The increased security presence
    It's all a very good foundation for a new series tbh

  2. I'm kinda salty over how it all ended. On one hand I understand that trump couldn't have gotten the death note, but on the other hand the new rule looked like a deus ex makina (pun intended) and it killed my new fave character. It was a great short but I'm having mixed feelings over the finale.

  3. I wish I haven't read the death note one shot so I can read it while listening to this.
    This is so fitting to the one shot, exciting, smart, quick.
    It keeps you excited and upbeat, it is similar to what's before but is more lighthearted. (which is as the Manga itself say, it's a different time and in need of a different type of thinking)
    Excellent job, as always.

  4. Very nice, I really like how it builds towards the middle and then fizzles away approaching the end, but if this was any longer the guitar would start getting repetitive.

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