This footage is 100% real. Nothing in this video is fake. I know what you’re thinking, “The ghost is just you in a sheet with a poorly drawn face on it,” but you’re wrong. That face is not poorly drawn. Because it is not drawn at all. Because it is a REAL GHOST FACE!!!!!!!
I’ve never been properly trained in ghost detectiving, but after this experience, I think I might quit my job and just investimigate ghost full time, kind of like Scooby Doo, which kind of works out because I’ve been told I look like Shaggy. Some of my friends throughout my life have even called me Shaggy, like a nickname you know?
Also because they couldn’t remember my name. Also most of them weren’t actually friends with me. Just like classmates or co-workers who just happened to forget my name a lot.
BUT I’LL SHOW THEM!!! After I release this ghost footage and it goes viral and has finished spreading around the world, proving ghosts to be real, skeptics will be all “ERMAGHERD!!! GHOSTS ARE REAAAALLL!!! WE WERE SO TOTALLY WRONG!!!”
And then all the scientist people will give me a million dollars because I made an important scientific discovery. Kind of like that guy who got the footage of Bigfoot.
You know why you never have heard from that guy again?? BECAAAAAUSE he’s like a gazillionaire now!!! He will go down in history as one of the most important scientifical people of all time, just like I will now also go down as one of the most scientifical peoples.
Next up, I shall find real footage of mermaids…and if the girl mermaids are hot, I shall also marry one and call her Ariel and then we can live happily ever after with our cute little mutant 1/3rd fish babies.
And Flouder and Sebastian will be my best friends and sing songs with me and watch the kids when me and the wife don’t feel like watching them. Not because we don’t like them, it’s just that we haven’t had much time alone as a couple since the kids were born, you know? It’s super stressful being the parents of 1/3rd mutant fish babies!!
That reminds me, before I set off on my quest to find my fish wife, I need to get a talking dog. OOH!! If I get one within the next day, I can totally go as Shaggy and Scooby for Halloween!!! Is anyone reading this a professional dog speaking coach?? Because if you are, I will totally pay you….hold on let me check my pocket…..FOURTEEN DOLLARS and SIXTEEN CENTS to train my Scooby Doo lookalike to talk.
P.S. Speaking of Scooby Doo, those guys are pretty lucky that they’ve never ran into a bad guy who…you know, had like an actual weapon…I feel like the episodes might have ended a lot faster then
P.S.S. Is that an actual job?? Like solving mysteries?? Not like normal mysteries, but like mysteries where something in haunted and then someone hires you to come solve the mystery and then pull the mask off some old guy who was trying to scare everyone
P.S.S.S. If it’s not, I’m totally up for starting a real life one right now. For reals. I call dibs on Shaggy, mostly just because I won’t have to put any effort into changing my look whatsoever…and also because I get to hang out with a talking dog the whole time…and also the food
P.S.S.S.S. If you want to be part of my real life Scooby Doo gang, just say which character you want to be in the comments!! It’s ok if there are more than one of each character. We can then have understudies that can take our place in the even that the original is not able to fulfill their mystery solving responsibilities. Or maybe we can just start a business and then have like 50 different groups all over the world solving mysteries and stuff.
P.S.S.S.S.S. If you have read this far into the video description thingy and have ever experienced a supernaturalish thingy before, you know, one as supernaturalish or even MORE supernaturalish as the supernaturalishness that occurred in this supernatural video, share your supernaturalish story in the comments!!…you know, if you feel like it. I’m basically an expert at this point in all supernaturalish things, so I can probably tell you if your supernaturalishness is legit or not. But it probably is. Except for the evil scary possessionishy ones. Because if I say those ones aren’t real, I will probably get possessed and that would really complicate my life, you know??
P.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. Also, his name is Ghosty
Pixelland Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Unseen Horrors Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Bump in the Night Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
The ball bit I swear
Acting 10 out of 10
I remember Lego plane go boom
lol the ghost is a baby you know why it likes the ball pit lolololol
lol i love this set up yay so funny nice acting girl you are good at acting of crying noice
Guys it’s just Casper the friendly ghost no girl ghost…
The words u said was scary haha but when I watched it it funny as hell
Wonder what the other 38 ghost movie experiences were…
Stupid mother fucker!!!
So real
U know that was just josh under a blanket right
2:44 most scary
Yea I already know that ghost are real
I have a few in my backyard
You think it’s scary but the ghost are quite cool once you get use to them :3
BRO, it's not true, you scared me first
This was halarioise
When that ghost came I was laughing
This looks so fake
Hahahahahah A For effort
The ghost was so cute
Ah…this is the guy that did LPGB
It's so cute tho