BARSTOW, CALIFORNIA — Self-proclaimed daredevil “Mad Mike” Hughes is sadly no longer around after he crashed in his homemade rocket shortly after take off near Barstow on Saturday.
SOURCES: CNN, LA Times, Space.com
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Circumference of earth can be reasonably calculated from observing shadows of sticks… the cost= very little.
More than 2,000 years ago Eratosthenescompared the position of the Sun's rays in two locations to calculate the spherical size of the Earth with reasonable accuracy.
The earth may not be flat, but he sure is
You can't buy a modernized handgun in California, but you can fly a garage made rocket …..
At east Mike proved that the Earth is flat. Oh wait, actually HE'S the one who's flat and the Earth is still a triangular cube. Ok Nevermind then.
Epic Fail and Epic Crazy!??
There was an interview where he admitted that he wasn't actually a flat earther and that he just needed funding for this, which gave me a lot of respect for him. Sad to hear this though tbh I didn't think it would end well
No one needed to die for their beliefs…
he was an idiot..
5000 feet aint gonna show no curve. and not because its flat, because its too fukin low.
Well I knew this was going to happen soon
RIP Mike, I'm not surprised XD
Not a surprise ending
Now known as Dead Mike ?
Should have flown horizontal to find the edge.
awsome lol ok flat-earthers next these another vacancy:)
God really said:
That's a shame. Yet another Darwin Award ? winner.
Feb 2015, Flat earth movement was born.
2016, Celebrities like BoB, Shaquille O’Neil, Kyle Irving, and Tela Tequila promotes the flat earth.
2017, flat earther have their first international conference.
2018, flat earther having trouble proving their theory and can’t present their model.
2019, flat earth movement enters ICU as Behind the Curve and Logan Paul’s Flat Earth we’re both released embarrassing flat earthers.
Feb 22, 2020, flat earth movement dies with the death of flat earther Mad Mike Hughes leaving the movement with his blood in their hands.
Vegans who wanted to proove they are stronger with their diet, climb to mount everest… they died..
Religious man tried to convert a native island into christians with all his faith and belives of his god and stuff… he dies..
Flat earther wanted to proove earth is flat with his homemade rocket (because they belived others have some special glass that makes the earth looks round… pfft; ) … he dies..
See how being ignorant is dangerous?! > > we are thaught in school what it took Millions of years to discover, so future people dedicade themselves to discover more, not to deny what is already proven.
(about vegans, it was foolish of them to belive they be fine with a diet only, it takes more than what you eat to be able to survive in such area, years of preparation and excersice / about religion is okay to belive and is amazing to guide and help, but never have the idiotic idea of forcing your belives to others especially to a whole tribe that are simply not welcoming. A homemade object in such a dangerous position.. what was he thinking??!! atleast he was an elder and lived well enough, I hope; )
I mean is any one surprised this happened…? This is why you ddont build your own stuff…it sucks that happened to him tho.
Probably regrets not investing his time & money into making some type of drone that could just fly up to the heights needed on it's own in order to disprove his flat earth theory.
Oh well you live & you learn. Well I suppose he at least did some living up to that point. not too sure about the learning part though.
Risking the terrible
" Conspiracy theorist" label, I find it very suspect that " all" parachutes failed ( how many?). But this reminds me of Evil Kenevil's attempt to jump the Grand Canyon. His rocket had the most ridiculous parachute trigger. He had to keep a button-type cable pulled back, and let it go to deploy the chute. He said the rocket's acceleration caused him to black out under 'g', and let go ov the very heavy sprung button, and the chute deployed at launch, and ruining the blast off. I wonder if the same designer built this man's rocket.
There was definitely foul play involved. The NWO doesn't want us to find out the truth!
If the Earth were round, the impact would be less harsh and he may have survived…
Rip Mike! He was an awesome dude!
Well, I guess at the end of the day he’s still a die hard flat earth
“My story really is incredible. It’s got a bunch of story lines — the garage-built thing. I’m an older guy. It’s out in the middle of nowhere, plus the Flat Earth. The problem is it brings out all the nuts also, people questioning everything. It’s the downside of all this.”
The guy's nickname is Mad Mike and yet called everyone else nuts who failed to believe his flat-earth foolery.
Isn't this tosh .os fault?
When Flat Earthers ignore science yet decide to have a go at it 😀 Round Earth, Flat head.
Is Eddie "Flat Earth" Bravo doing his Eulogy
BARSTOW WE HAVE A PROBL………….???,,,,,BEEP BEEP THAT'S ALL FOLKS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upt7ZTvcriY
Are you puishment
I had a tear in my eye when I heard this … I was laughing so hard I was crying! This story has gone all around the GLOBE.
Thanks darwin!
Wether the earth is round or flat it is hard
Why not climb a mountain?
Key word here: MAD
Who let a flat earther build a rocket anyway? Like, they can barely read ffs
Flat Earth jokes aside, this dude died following his dream. Respect, if only for that.