Rescue Epileptic Dog Was Broken Pelvis On The Street & Amazing Results For Tireless Effort
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A homeless dog is paralyzed. He was screaming in pain, uncontrollably because his nervous system was hurt. He was writhing and panicking …
He was almost exhausted.
After being taken to the veterinary clinic, his condition remained unchanged. He constantly has epilepsy and high fever. His anus is bleeding …
The doctors took good care of him. They tried to treat him through the crisis. And then, their efforts paid off …
He was able to have a snack although he needed our help. I trained him to walk but his legs were weak …
He could not walk by himself .. He tries to move in a wheelchair …. After more than 5 weeks of patient training, he was able to walk. Looking at his steps, I could not hold back the tears of happiness. He is improving day by day ….
God bless you …. He is really friendly and sweet
Courtesy: Credit Silivri Canları: https://www.instagram.com/silivricanl…
Credit & Donate: ⬇️Paypal ve mama kumbara linklerimiz ⬇️ https://linktr.ee/silivricanlari
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Animal Aid Unlimited, India: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalAi…
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: bigro108@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
Sin palabras…. Gran trabajo amigos
Seen this video before,Very happy dog on here
Awww that poor dog on here to,Just stand there cheering like that crying and having a hard time not being able to get up and stand,How heartbreaking this is to see,Ty for finally recusing and helping him to
Oh glória Deus ele tá conseguindo andar
Yüreği güzel insanlar, Allahım her daim yar ve yardımcınız olsun.Ayağınıza taş değmesin.İyi ki varsınız.Binlerce kez teşekkürler???❤️❤️???
The dog with broken pelvis, why was there no surgery, what is wrong with you? Your an animal rescue but yet I've seen almost no surgeries to help the animals. Why call yourselves an animal rescue?!!!
Wow you are very kind to an animal
Thank you kind people
All of you guys are angels , thanks for the kind and patience with all of my heart.
Gracias por ayudarlos…
Thank you for saving this Sweet Doggie ?
Thank you so much helping the dog to walk again!
???????milagre lindo . Gratidão eterna pelo resgate do anjiho lindo ?❤️faz acunputura. Saludos desde Brazil ??
Thanks guys for saving it ..?????
Que lindíssimo trabalho que vocês fizeram para recuperar a saúde desse lindo cachorrinho. Parabéns a todos pelo amor, paciência, dedicação e compreensão para com ele. ?????
Thank you very much!
Bless all kind people
With all the poor animals,
Forever happiness, safety and health!
Obrigada pelo resgate desse ????????? é maravilhoso ver a evolução dele Deus abençoe vocês pelos cuidados prestados a ele ????
Merci de soulager sa souffrance ??
Will done …may god bless you
Proof that dogs and cats are resilient. And strong.
This is happening way way way too often. There is a bigger ??systemic problem going on here. We have to fix the infrastructure.
These aren't isolated incidences. Connect the dots!!
Time is of the essence.
WAKE UP! ???? people!! ⏰⌛???
Attn. Animal lovers everywhere:
I always read the comments on these various animal rescue videos.
It's always the same reactions… crying, righteous indignation and virtue signaling etc.
Spreading awareness through these videos is a great thing.
But, at the end of the day, all the ?? only makes only YOU feel good,
(((You: Ooo looke me. Looka wha I rote in the comments!
Me susha compassionate poyson! And I used sad emojis too … yay me))).
All this emotional typing with your thumbs has no REAL effect towards the well-being of these poor little animals.
If you want to make REAL, positive difference and sincerely improve the eventual trajectory of the lives of these little cats and dogs,
…. socialism is NOT the answer.
SOCIALISM is the EVIL that has crept into these United States while we were out buying toys for our pets…
If you vote ANY ANY ANY Democrat in 2020, then soon enough, dogs and cats will be our food.
The Democrat party has been taken over by socialists.
See Venezuela in 2020.??
ALL. ALL all All ALL all ALL all All Democrat/socialist policies have been proven bad and fatal for humans all over the world over the last 100 years.
Imagine how much worse it will be for these poor homeless animals if we allow socialism to take control in United States.
As it stands, we can already see in these various videos, that they are already being neglected and left out in the cold.
I love my dog.
If you love your life.
If you love your pets.
If you love your home
Vote ?????Trump. ??????
Tell Bernie Sanders and his Squad to go elsewhere, and leave the U.S.A. alone.
Muito obrigada, por terem salvo esse anjinho. Deus abençoe vcs.?????❤???????❤❤???
Thank you for not giving up on this baby!
Thank you for helping ???