Rescue Poor Stray Dog was Neglected for Years Horrible Matted Fur | Amazing Transformation

Rescue Poor Stray Dog was Neglected for Years Horrible Matted Fur | Amazing Transformation
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Rescue Poor Stray Dog was Neglected for Years Horrible Matted Fur | Amazing Transformation


TzuZoo Rescue was notified by Animal Control of a terribly neglected and matted dog that needed help. We are certain he was dumped by the owners. We named him Joseph and here is his story. The vet thinks Joseph is around 8 year old, he was so matted that the mats actually cut off the blood supply to his front left paw and left rear leg and they rotted off his body. He must have endured severe pain for a long time. The matted hair, once removed weighted 4.5 lbs. and his teeth are in terrible shape. There may be more, but that’s what we know now. We will do all we can for Joseph to ensure he has a loving home for the remainder of his life


More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue:
Howl Of A Dog:
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel:
Animal Aid Unlimited, India:…

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About the Author: HUYNH VLOG


  1. thank you so much for helping Joseph, what a sweet little guy, the owner clearly belongs behind bars, so cruel, ffs a grooming would have prevented this!

  2. This video needs to be heavily edited and arranged correctly to be able to see his transformation in an order that makes sense. Not watching the tech with her water bottle for 3 minutes.

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