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????? the Best Videos of Tiger and Alabai dog from our Compilation #1
?LION playlist: http://bit.ly/2Wrdjex
?TIGER playlist: http://bit.ly/2uspXOn
?BEAR playlist: http://bit.ly/2CDOtkh
?AFRICAN playlist: http://bit.ly/2Ucx0cC
?DOCUMENTARY playlist: http://bit.ly/2WrejiN
?vs?WOLF & DOG playlist: http://bit.ly/2JPBJNw
?vs?LION vs TIGER playlist: http://bit.ly/2Yoz8xe
?vs?LIGER & TIGON playlist: http://bit.ly/2HURy2S
We are sharing wild animals’ the rare and real interesting videos to the same interested people from countries that top-interested in wild animals. Inviting all same-interested people in wild animals. ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
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#TIGERandDOG #TIGERvsALABAI #TigerCompilation
The best!!!!
am I the only one seeing the dogs humping? let’s talk about that.
У чела похоже столько бабла, красавчик
5:28 if the tiger wanted to it tear that dog up
all i see is a human kidnapping a tiger
Dog think he’s a cat
6:02 omg
they were trying to mate tiger and dog
0:55 really nice right hook .
4:00 самое интересное
Tiger owned a mouse's liver
If this friendship continues even Dog can be a partime king of jungle.
Tiger needs a cane corso Saint Bernard or maybe a mastiff play buddy real big dogs that are gentle yet huge
The tiger is Gonna kill that poor dog one day smh
Camera man said “fuck that fish”
0:50 dogs like “wow this dogs using his paws to strike so effectively, imma start doing that”
normal people : "tigers are scary"
russians : "this is a nice pet!"
Туркмен' Алабай https://youtu.be/-CYB32eu4Sg
that last video of them walking side by side together is soooooo cute
People that are saying they grew up together and the tiger wont hurt the dog. Watch a tiger documentary and you will see how wrong you are. All tiger cubs play together when they are young but the fun and game ends when they turn adult. Siblings attack each other or even their mother for territory and kills them if needed. Tigers are loner by nature. You can take a tiger out of the jungle but not the jungle out of it. One day when it turns adult that instinct will kick in and the dogs will turn up dead.
Tiger: heyy what yall doin there??
Dog: you are gonna understand once you grow up
4:00 ?
3:56 Tiger watches live porn
How do russians get tigers and lions as pets?
우와 대단하다 보면서 감동 ㅠㅠ
You are racist with animals
4:00 when we watch porn we be like:
The femmale dog feels so sad when tiger coming.. be carefull the lady
When a tiger feels it's a dog's family. Both dogs are his parents.
So the dog won't be killed. In fact, anyone bothers the two dogs. It will probably make the tiger angry.
Тигр съест собак
Тигр стал собакой