Harley Davidson Crash And Fail Compilation 2016 HD
Watch as these Harley Davidson’s slide, wheelie, flip, endo, bang, crash and otherwise stack into everything they can find
Harley Davidson Crash And Fail Compilation 2016 HD
Watch as these Harley Davidson’s slide, wheelie, flip, endo, bang, crash and otherwise stack into everything they can find
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Is it just me, or does it seem like HD riders…on average…lack protective gear?
3:50 – "They're gonna beat our asses"
3:58 was totally the traffic director's fault
harley crash under 60mph…………….. than on a damn sport bike at 120mph …….. il stick to my HOG lol
Pigs on Hogs.
Breaking on a turn… with your foot…genius.
4:00 he was like "ugh. Again?"
Well…I WAS thinking about buying a motorcycle……I think I'll pass.
Harley is so shit
1:39 best reaction ever ! Sees someone that
will probablyneed help so she runs backward…Every time I feel bummed I come here to watch the guy in the German helmet. Thanks Bro…
These were hilarious! Well deserved!
3:36–3:53 is that HWY 23? Pig Trail?
"Oh, dude. They're going to beat our asses"
Yeah, they're going to get up from taking a 20 foot plunge, walk back up the hill just to beat your ass because they made a dumb decision. LMFAOOOOOOOOO
Best bikes ever. How could you laugh so hard at anything else?
Headlight said "Fuck this shit, I'm out."
Harley, brum brum. Harleys are no motorbikes, they are bullshit, driven by stupid people, brum brum.
5:42 – Seems like a group of pretty experienced riders. Surprising that the guy couldn’t control the bike even when was doing under 25mph ?
No one here needed this video to convince us that harley riders are generally douchebags. What a bunch of dipshits, lmao. Next time a douchebag on a harley revvs down my street in the middle of the night, I'm throwing a spike strip out. Don't be the loser that no one likes. No one wants to hear you revving. Like a loud, obnoxious, drunk stranger walking into a nice quiet meeting of friends without an invitation and drunkenly threatening to wrestle everyone. That's how people see you when you're that harley douche revving down the rode.
Fancy bikes are useless if you can't ride
cmon guys seriously…. HD wasn't made for racing'
2:49 that one was satisfying. Baggers aren't meant to be muscle bikes, for shit's sake.
I live in AZ and I see so many dumbass HD riders in shorts and tennis shoes, no helmet. The sad part is, I also see a bunch out with their lady on the back and she has the made-up hair and fancy headband adorned with jewels. Sadly, she's not going to look so nice when the bone head driving it sends her flying into the pavement or into the car they just rear-ended. It's unbelievable how vain some people are. The women are more worried about looking good when they pull into the bar or show up at the rally.
Really great when they so stupid shit and end up being the stupid shit….Harley mentality fer ya!
what is 2:40 called?
Pretty sure last clip had no HD…
The only cool Harley rider is a dead Harley rider?
Dude on the white Harley is a fuckin moron. Such a nice bike.
Hahaha this was hilarious! Hate biker faggots
That’s just the bike throwing the dumb asses off.
I lost it when that guy said "dude their gonna beat our asses"
Harley riders get to walk away from crashes.
I mean what do they expect
Speravo di trovare ''può accompagnare solo…''
South Park has it down. The true Harley story. Watch it!!
3:50 “they’re gonna beat our asses” hahaha
Harley owners and sport bike owners are the biggest dickhead riders out there.
Are they stupid.???
Scared of wiennie bikers?
3:36 "Why would they do that?"
Retards, absolutely retards who have low testosterone but wish they had high testosterone.
Trump supporters getting what they deserve!
Lmao,hardleys smashing like tin cans
3:41 see hears the thing just cause your on a road and get passed by bikes and one crashes doesn't mean there both idiots and just cause you stopped doesn't mean "their going to beat are ass" they most likely will be grateful that you stopped and say thank you not yell in you're face or beat you so people in the van or rv shut up
You guys hear the nerdy dude @3:50 say " Oh we better… They're gonna beat our asses" holy fuck was that funny!
Oh Oh ,, trouble!
Worst bikes attract the worst riders