I gotta hand it to Hilltop Hoods. They had about one of the most awkward spots in the whole line up. 5SOS had gotten the crowd amped, Queen and Adam Lambert had just stolen the show, the crowd was PUMPED. And then…live cross to Michael Buble. Boom. All the energy gone. People sinking to the floor all over the place. It's late, we've been going for nearly 7 hours at this point. Exhaustion is starting to sink in while Buble croons at us. I wanted to get up from the floor for Hilltop Hoods, but I was so tired. They pulled me up, effectively. Trying their best to bring the energy back to the crowd. They did a great job in a really awkward spot.
…and then the fantastic kd lang serenaded us with her beautiful voice, but of course her songs are slow and peaceful and more than a few crowd members had to fight the urge to nod off there and then!
Did anyone realise on the replay of the show today they cut them off….. I'm so mad ??
??? Outstanding ?
major goosebumps when montaigne came out!
volume on this sucks…got everything maxed and still cant hear shit…. the live telecast was just as shit…whoever did the sound mixing needs to be shot…was shit all day..vocals needed to be much higher on alot of the sets…
Time to get these boys in the ARIA hall of fame. The world needs more hoodies vibe in it!!
This performance made my night. tear it up boys.. well done
Was Montaigne on something? She was all over the place and almost lost her balance a few times. Other than that hilltops did an awesome set.
who's the girl who sings Everybody gonna get high?
what songs were they
When Montaigne sang "no matter where i go this will always be home" i felt it
I love the hoods love how they go all out with their performances and getting their friends to join them so fucken good
I remember sitting in a doctor's surgery waiting room with Suffa & I had a feeling it was him but I didn't say anything, I still today regret not getting a pic or speaking to him. "one of life's missed opportunities"
Hots no te kurestwo ze zlodziejstw to teraz widac
I gotta hand it to Hilltop Hoods. They had about one of the most awkward spots in the whole line up. 5SOS had gotten the crowd amped, Queen and Adam Lambert had just stolen the show, the crowd was PUMPED. And then…live cross to Michael Buble. Boom. All the energy gone. People sinking to the floor all over the place. It's late, we've been going for nearly 7 hours at this point. Exhaustion is starting to sink in while Buble croons at us. I wanted to get up from the floor for Hilltop Hoods, but I was so tired. They pulled me up, effectively. Trying their best to bring the energy back to the crowd. They did a great job in a really awkward spot.
…and then the fantastic kd lang serenaded us with her beautiful voice, but of course her songs are slow and peaceful and more than a few crowd members had to fight the urge to nod off there and then!
Did anyone realise on the replay of the show today they cut them off….. I'm so mad ??
major goosebumps when montaigne came out!
volume on this sucks…got everything maxed and still cant hear shit….
the live telecast was just as shit…whoever did the sound mixing needs to be shot…was shit all day..vocals needed to be much higher on alot of the sets…
Time to get these boys in the ARIA hall of fame. The world needs more hoodies vibe in it!!
This performance made my night. tear it up boys.. well done
Was Montaigne on something? She was all over the place and almost lost her balance a few times. Other than that hilltops did an awesome set.
who's the girl who sings Everybody gonna get high?
what songs were they
When Montaigne sang "no matter where i go this will always be home" i felt it
I love the hoods love how they go all out with their performances and getting their friends to join them so fucken good
Who is the girl behind the singer at 11:10 ??
Tore it up!
Awesome performance!!!
Montaigne' s really vibing Marge Simpson.
I remember sitting in a doctor's surgery waiting room with Suffa & I had a feeling it was him but I didn't say anything, I still today regret not getting a pic or speaking to him. "one of life's missed opportunities"