Poor Sick Puppy was Thrown Over the Fence can’t sit up cry all the time | Heartbreaking Story
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This morning for example I found a very scik puppy inside, could be even hit because of falling, he can’t sit up and he cry all the time, seems to have breating problems.
I have started to treat it with infusion for hydration and I maked an antibiotic also.
In the time I treated this puppy one lady come inside with other puppy, and has told me she doesn’t wanna leave it to the garbage…at least this one is healthy and has apetite for food.
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The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
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Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Animal Aid Unlimited, India: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalAi…
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Thank you for watching!
Damn the people who abused him like that! He would’ve been a wonderful pet to someone. At least you tried to help him. ?
Which country are you doing your kind work in ?
Too bad you didn’t know how to treat him, you certainly aren’t a veterinarian, if you want to save animals GO TO SCHOOL AND LEARN, otherwise take them to a real veterinarian
I want to believe that you actually wanted to help that poor puppy, but you obviously don't know what you're doing. He probably had broken bones and by the way he was moving, there was something wrong with his spine. You should just let the vet do the full check up instead of playing God with his life, YOU KILLED HIM !
???I ❤ animal
Love is best cure..why no holding for warmth and comfort? At least you tried. Thank you. He didn't die alone.
I am so sorry little one , I don't like people who hurt any animal's , there should be charged for what there have done ?
Poor, Bebe. ?
He needed to see a vet.
I just want to pick that baby up & hug it & take it to the vet. I would love it forever.
Thank you for trying. You were the only love this poor baby felt please know he felt it and knew
I don’t think you caused anything but love and I am sure Bebe felt loved and cared for. You made her feel loved in her short life. Thank you for being her angel!
Bless you for trying. It’s all we can do everyday is try to do what we feel is right. You’re a good soul and we need more like you!
Thanks so much thanks ???
I never seen anyone throwing a baby puppy over the fence!!!!!!!!!!! That is a dumb thing to do to a baby puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? STOP ABUSING ANIMALS WHO EVER DID THIS!!!!!!!!!!, FOR WHAT SO EVER THEY SHOULD GO TO JAIL!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE IS BAD!!!!!!!!!! I hope they get sued soon enough!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????
I’m so sorry Baby Boy. ??God bless you angel. ???At least you new some love before you left this cruel world. ??✨?
the dog is dead .. i'm surprised the bitched did n't come get her food to eat in her stir fry
what the hell is wrong with the evil .. this video show nothing but evil of people .. hate evil
What the Eff is wrong with some,so called humans.?!? There’s an old Indian Provern that’s says : (sic) ‘at the agents to heaven ,awaits any animal a person came into contact with. These animals,from what they know and experienced from Thai person,decides who enters and who doesn’t. Karma at its finest.
How much to adopt Bebe ???
I hope you ever did that to that puppy burns in hell that poor baby it breaks my heart
Poor Bebe lived such a brief life. I hope the few moments he had he knew someone was caring for him. I hope his spirit reincarnates into a life where he will be treated much better. It sickens me people could be so cruel to a dog. Not everyone has to enjoy or own a dog, but appreciate their contribution and love they have for humans. I will keep you in my prayers Bebe. May you move on in the afterlife with peace.
Dios les tiene un lugar reservado en el cielo a ustedes que los rescatan y a estos hermosos angelitos
I don't like dog!
Miserables ensañarse con unos animalitos indefensos
Throw the person head first over fence?
You don't look like a qualified vet to me.
I don't get why stuff like this happen with no remorse. Animals or humans alike, it hurts either way. God bless him
Maybe im missing something by why did you let this poor baby stay outside? Why wasn't it taken to a vet so it had a fighting chance?
I don't understand why these assholes have to be so damn cool the animals if you don't want him to give them to Humane Society
Poor Bebe …..that video made my soul sick. Everything was so wrong . This is hurting , why leave a baby puppy in stones and alone
RIP little Bebe !!!
man you are a saint for all your rescue efforts
who did this harm to the puppy i wish i could meet you !
this making me cry !
Can't bear the suffering of these poor animals ,the people who do this have no conscience and are dangerous and need punished .
Mille mercis à vous ??
Chi male tratti gli animi sono b
I would love to put a shotgun in the person's face who did this and I wouldn't think twice of pulling the trigger ??
RIP Bebe ????
This is so sad ???