A dog fell into the Fox River, near the Wisconsin Street bridge, Oshkosh, which led to an ice rescue
Ken Doran recorded the dog’s rescue by his camera, after the puppy in a harness, tied to a leash ran right in front of him on the UWO campus.
Please Watch These Heart touching Videos – That’s will make you cry
Second Chance at Life – Kangaroo Dog Found A Forever Home He Deserve https://youtu.be/EE_wuFF7nds
Lonely Shelter Dog Tucked Himself In Every Night Waiting For His Forever Home
Rescue Abandoned Dog Tied To a Railing With A Pizza And Sad Note
Stray Hunting Dog Kept Crying Since She Was Rescued
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#rescuedog #funkysmile #dogvideo
Thank you for the nice doggie clip , it not hurt to see it , ??
Dziekuje z calego serca za uratowanie psinki❤❤❤❤❤❤❤……
Thank you very much for helping and saving this beautiful dog. Hope he will find a lovely forever home soon. All the best for this dog, the rescuers and all the animals. God bless you all ????❤️❤️❤️❤️??????????