Rescue Poor Puppy Was Paralyzed, Lying On The Roadside & AmazingTransformation
This is an abandoned puppy by the side of the road.
Puppy whine, can’t stand up and can’t even eat.
All four of his legs were seriously injured
And then, he was taken to Vet immediately.
He was treated very methodically: Combining oriental medicine and western medicine.
Puppy are acupuncture, soaked in warm water and learning to walk.
He is very persistent in training.
And one fine day, he was able to walk.
We are very happy for that.
Thanks God bless him.
Please donate:
курирую более 100??хвостиков
??— Чем я могу тебе помочь?
??— Просто обними меня!
«Спасая его ?жизнь, вы даете ему шанс спасти вашу.?»ваша Аня и мокроносики?фин.отчёт ?
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
What a cutie pie them eyes are gorgeous. Look at him run??❤
Look at 9:19 that smile 🙂 thank you for helping this little guy.
My best team Stray Paws ? you guys are miracle workers. Amazing vets amazing staff. God will always bless you.???
Such a pretty baby. It's very sad and disgusting the lengths humans will go to to be cruel to others.
God bless him and all who cared for this precious dog. ?♥️♥️
Já curei vários com água morna quase quente
Enrole um pano bem quente no braço
Terapia com água bem morna ela anda te afirmo
Thank You
So wounderful for this baby on here
Awww that poor puppy on here to,Ty for recusing and helping the puppy on here to
May I ask what country are all these dogs being found with broken backs and necks. I just like to know what is wrong with the people in this country were people go around doing this to dog and cats
I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you who work with paws. You take the animals in and treat them as your own animal and love them and help them. Thank tou so much for having such good hearts..
Un trabajo genial,gracias por ayudarlo así.
Il est mignon ce petit chien 🙂
Господи благослови людей спасших щеночка.
Спасибо за спасение. Щеночек кто тебя так. Живи малыш. Но как то он дожил до такого возраста. Значит его зделали инвалидом и выбросили. Сам в таком состоянии он не нашёл себе еду. Это люди могли избить повредили голову. СПАСИБО ВАМ. БОЖЕ ОН БЕГАЕТ ЭТО ЧУДО.
Гнусные глазки щеночка. Плакать хочется от жалости…
Но конец у этой истории радостный! Низкий поклон хорошие люди со светлой душой и добрым сердцем! Пусть вас бережет Боженька!
Thnx thnx thnx god blesse