Hey guys!!!! Finally answering your questions that you guys left on my instastory!! We tried to answer as many as we can~ maybe we can do a round 2 next time!? =)
watch us do yoga! https://youtu.be/-pvhf1Jo13E
AIDEN’S CHANNEL – https://www.youtube.com/aidentv
*canon 70d – http://amzn.to/1uF41Yv
*canon 5d mark iii – http://amzn.to/1oeYKCD
*canon 24mm lens – http://amzn.to/1qxGbhB
*canon 50mm lens – http://amzn.to/1ubQVDB
*Zoom h1 handy recorder – http://amzn.to/1pE0BQU
*Rode lavalier microphone – http://amzn.to/1qxGWXX
*Rode Videomic – http://amzn.to/1lKq1Bl
Vlog Camera : Canon g7x – http://amzn.to/2n00jzj
EDITING : Adobe Premiere CC – http://amzn.to/1lKryas
DJ Grumble – Allthruthenight2 & Cranston2
I just realised you guys started your relationship since I was born ?
I was born in 2004 ?
It's been so long ??? I remember watching your cooking vlogs and makeup tutorials :""") y'all are aging so nicely :))
yo did Aiden say Xanga?? throwbackk
Throwback to living in the US before yunwoo and sunwoo came along and Aiden always called her Angel
I have two kids now , and I’m struggling that no sparks anymore in my relationship…
New subscriber… can't believe you have kids you guys look young?
It's good to see aiden again in your video.
미국에서 태어났는데 한국말을 더 잘하시는거 같은데 ㅋㅋㅋ
Love watching your videos you have a beautiful family ❤️?
u really look like the main character from "crash landing on you" anyone else think the same as well ?
Couple goals ? angel and aiden are proof true love exists ? been following you since 2010!
I loveee seeing you both do videos like this ? I hope you both get to have some date nights or one-on-one time together soon. Sending so much love to your beautiful family! ??
I think putting on makeup and sometimes dressing up is important in a relationship. It’s cool to be comfortable but sometimes surprising your mate is a good thing.
Can I know are u Korean or?
Have been supporting you guys silently. Love you both so muchhh♥️♥️cutest couple evaaaaasdfghjkl (I’m married for quite a while too so really can relate ?)
What lenses aree u using?
Please Angel Unnie more Aiden, more cute vlogs with him 🙂
I've been a subscriber a long time agooo, the first video i saw was the your first house i think after the wedding? Anyways take care always more videos:)
Q&A의 디테일 영상 넘 좋아요~!! 다샤님 스타일이 너무 좋아서 주얼리 선물드리고 싶어요~ 메일 확인 부탁드려요~!! ❤
You’ve grown so much Angel. I’ve been watching you for YEARS and it’s nice to see you be more comfortable in your skin and maturity. I’ve always gotten the sense (perhaps I’m wrong) that you’ve leaned a little too heavily into your “pretty girl” identity, making your voice a little higher pitched, acting a little more cutesy etc.
And now you’re still pretty, but you’re a woman now, more confident in walking around without makeup, being firm in your opinions etc. Of course, I only see you through a screen, so I might be wrong, but I’m happy to see you back and owning it!
Happy to see you both in a video! You guys are pretty and handsome but don't show it off and are down to earth. thanks for the positive vibe and energy! =)
I love hearing Aiden speaking English! He never spoke this much before. This was so insightful now that I'm a mother myself. Loved getting to know you two better! ?
Aww your makeup reminds me of the makeup you used to do when you first started YouTube!
I can still remember vividly the first video I ever watch from you guys, it was before you even had Yeonwoo, I think it was around christmas or sth and you were putting the christmas tree up and IU'S you and I was playing at the background lol ? so it is crazy how big the boys are honestly I feel like an 아줌마 even if I'm still in my 20s.
I remember Angel I think saying back back BACK in the day how both of you guys like even over odd numbers so if you ever had kids then it would 2 but if you ever wanted to have more kids then would have to go up to 4 which was probably not happening hahah excuse me while I go apply extra eye creams to cover my 아줌마 wrinkles haha
Overall It's great to see the 4 of you guys doing fine in your own way. Hopefully you can always find happiness in whatever circunstances you face and become each other lives' highlights.
you guys are so cute :((((
omg i know ur babies are all grown up i remember when he was just a tiny baby running around in diapers :((((
i love ur cute family ???
ur so pretty btw
hi angel 🙂 what contacts are you wearing here? they look so pretty!!
ive been watching you guys since before yunwoo was born! its been such a long time since you guys did a video together and you both seem so chill and relaxed, its very nice to watch. i look forward to seeing more videos from you guys <3 id also love to see an updated "hubby does my makeup" and maybe a "kids do my makeup" too, hopefully your eye doesn't get poked out lol <3
So nice to see aiden again! ?
I hope you two are able to spend more time together without the kids. I know it’s good as parents/spouses to take time to enjoy one another.
I can’t believe how fast your kids are growing
Love hearing the Applebee’s story?
Why do you still live in Seoul? Do you work something else than YouTube?
? So happy that you and Aiden did a video together!!! It's been too long
i think what makes your marriage works is that you guys are best friends! you guys should do more videos together! 🙂
Kawaii. More videos together!!!!
Its so awkward to see aiden talking infront of the camera because its been so long since you upload this kind of video together.. ??
Can’t wait to see more video in his channel..
Love both of you and please stay safe ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am both of you guys when it comes to movie/drama!! I switch off between watching romance/chick flit or horror/thriller! <3 My sis hates me watching horror or thriller so I always end up watching myself. 😛
Hello! I’m so glad y’all did this video! I like seeing you both together and answering questions like old times. I still remember that video it was hilarious! And your Q&A was successful ☺️
I miss the videos where Aiden would be cooking for the both of you and showed how he made it
I'd love to visit Switzerland too!
I’ve been a subscriber since 2011 and it’s sooo good to see you more active again ❤️❤️
Hello! Were you ever reluctant to permanently move to Korea?
에이든님이랑 엔젤 언니랑 신혼일때부터 영상을 봐와서 그런지 지금의 모습이 너무 신기하고 재밌네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 4가족 모두 아프지말고 건강하고 행복하세요????
yO 45.5KG? AND UR 5'5? I'M 5'2 AND 46.7KG???