Street Fight Comp Episode #2
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Why do people insist on yelling WORLDSTARRRRRR 100 times in a 20 second clip? ??
That has got to be one of the most annoying things ever.. ??
I secretly wish someone would punch them in the mouth.. A girl can hope right? ????
Number 26 dude shut the fuck you talk to much in the video dam
#6 nobody got knocked out… 3 black boys couldnt even knock his ass out
is it just me? or do i just wanna see some of the people recording get rocked because they say some stupid shit sometimes lol
Bruh number 12 was at the WinCo where I live in Victorville??
It's brawl bro it's a brawl…wtf pop
Mental illness is a real problem
White boy did the Uno reverse card robbing the black dude. Oh the irony then pulled his hair like a little African girl.
22 the dude separating the fight was a G
Same old blurry ass re-uploaded crap! Delete your channel.
Eagles fans are the worst
All the fights were poo.
#23 camera man was about to pull a Chris Breezy