Watch as monkeys, guanacos and kangaroos all go head-to-head in our greatest animal fights! For family or territory, these determined animals won’t go down without a fight.
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Damn that monitor..
What happened to the baby in nest
At 13:47 that dinosaur was like bitch
The kangaroo at 9:52 is like DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRO
I closed the video when they shown dinosaurs
Man that kangaroo was jacked
So, it's true, All Fights between men are for Women only. Sex is quite powerful
Imagine being in a fight and the person your fighting starts trying to bite your balls ?
scarface was bout that action
#5 Wasn’t no damn fight.. that shit was just a game of tag
Lol, when he aimed for the other dudes testicles, that shit must've hurt
Dang!!! This is kinda hard to watch, the end was super sad!!!
The possum looking for the Lizard: ?O?
Nooooo why the mom dead
I'm glad dinosaurs dont exist now cause I could've been to heaven
Killing kids / high ground… is the monkey video revenge of the sith?
11:02 rare footage of me and my sibling fighting over the remote control
What type of monkey is Scarface?
"Top 5 greatest figths in the Animal Kingdom"
1,630,003 people: Hmm Interesting…
Is that really a possums
"Privileged access to females"
A fight i don't see any of that, they just playing ? they are so cute ?
10:24 You can feel the intensity haha!
Dude Thoes kangaroos man .. what a beast animal
what a burp 12:22
Monkey story nahh epic klimak
Me: sees kangaroo kicking other kangaroo in the balls
Intriguing. yes I must watch this
9:46 holy crap this guy could take over as my dad and id be okay with it
0:35 When School is cancelled for 2 days
11:08 I also use this technique much to the envy of others
Delete this #1 ruined the whole video
So cool!
I srsly thought the monkey is craddling a human child 2:09
I need to hire that kangaroo as my personal trainer!
Imagine fighting a kangaroo and being made his bitch
Hmmmm….how are these the "Greatest fights when they run and there are no fights for half of them ?
Who would vote down. This was great ??
Who would vote down. This was great ??
How animals take over territory : insane 1v1s
How humans take over territory :
so anyway I started shooting
(0:52 s) The bachelors learnt something from Obi Wan Kenobi, and something from Anakin Skywalker (0:47 s). Looks like they’ve been watching Star Wars.
"The Greatest Fights In The Animal Kingdom" – #5: Literally no fight at all
So nobody’s gonna talk about the flip that monkey did in the beginning??
that why Peruvians never get out without underwear