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Life of a Twisted Fantasy
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Let’s get this Video to 25,000 LIKES!
i died ?????
Bud makin u paranoid
You forgot to say goodbye
North Carolina stand up
Travis: I dont like how he handle me??????
Go find it a d woop it ??????
Mac something tickled his a**
Your supposed to say bye after your done with the game, now they really finna experience horror shii
u son of a demon
I’m not even goin lie when i was in the bathroom they tickle my ass
Do a part 2
It’s odd how y’all best editor was there when all of this was going on and just to say I seen the string seen the shadow on the carpet that ran after pulling Travis butt HAG still the sickest ever did it.
If they didn’t have nothing at they house before they do now ???
My question is where is funnymike
This shit so fake smh
?? y’all play all day!!
They got nightmares after looking at that c**k
Wth was wing saying
That some fye edit ???
Is that real real!!!!!!!!!!!!????????
What a edited
Bro they got card board wege bored and plastic candles that have a on and off switch I'm ?????
Also that werid magie look so edited that's dragging Travis
You can see there hand moveing it because it's moveing way to fast and you can tell with there reactions and if this was really would you think that they would stop playing with that wege bird be run to a holete but I have to emeut Travis was so funny
Didn't ya look in the last video of funny Mike said runie has moniter hanging face that exact same wall it's gust the monitor showing ghos and they pusase the video and write that in the wall
i think mac did that
Go back and go get your clothes??????????????????????????????????
Wings looking at the camera and runik
DO a part 2
It is so real Ong ????
The lies for entertainment is on ? lies for views & likes
There was a string attached to the pointer thing that was moving on the ouiji board at 8:12 and the editor made those ghost effects so just stop runik