The Goldy lockS Band wants to bring love and awareness to some cute little #GoldenPups that really need it. Always remember to #AdoptNotShop whenever you can! Stop in your local Humane Society and take home a precious life that needs your love. These animals deserve attention, care and a wonderful home.
Each month some Humane Societies offers incredible prices on spay and neutering. Call and find out how you can be a part of this if your animal needs it.
The Humane Society of Dickson County can be supported from anywhere in the world by simply going to:
For only $4.00 you can feed an animal for a whole month. Why not replace a latte or treat to truly help another life.
Please share this video and include the #HumaneSociety hashtag as well as #GoldylockSBand #GoldyLocks.
We thank the Humane Society Of Dickson County for allowing us to crash their pad and shoot this fun upbeat video ourselves to our original song, “Let’s Take A Ride”. Share it as MUCH as you can!
Contact if you’d like us to come shoot a video at YOUR local Humane Society! XOXO – Goldy
This is the sweetest video ever!
This video is so fun, I keep coming back to it!
Have your pets spayed / neutered – go adopt a new best friend – then go see Goldy Locks to reward yourself!
that is one HAWT band! and the pups are cute too – ADOPT DON'T SHOP!
I watched this again, it is so fun. Thanks for your work with the Doggies, Goldy!
I know they loved this.
You keep getting better
all my animals are rescues!
You all are amazing for promoting adoption!! I love and am not surprised that you're a part of this! Thanks for all you do!
Wow this is awesome you guys truly rawkkkkkk
I wish I could take everyone of these sweet faces home!!!! Great job G!!!
Them pups!!
I can't wait to see the one you just did. Keep them coming!
I may not need a man but I sure could use a good dog! I'll settle for a cat! XO
Keep it going Goldy! You are awesome!
Thanks for speaking up for all the precious animals who can't speak for themselves!
Let's Adopt all the dogs! Fun video
Great song, great video, and ultimately a really great cause. Way to use your platform to promote positive change. I'll always support great people doing great things for others!
Adorable =)
This is awesome! So many precious animals, it's wonderful that you are doing this to help them! Thanks again for another awesome video!
What precious cuties! I wish I could take them all! Goldy a big shout out to you and the guys for having such a big heart and raising awareness! Lovin' the song too!!
Checking with the local Humane Society to see if they'd like to do a video here.
Goldy I just love this video. The song is great! And the dogs are super cute!
Goldy I just love this video. The song is great! And the dogs are super cute!
It's nice to see an animal video that doesn't sad u into helping animals.
Awesome!! This is a great cause for such beautiful and innocent animals they need our help.
Love this! ??? bug
This video is amazing! Bug