i remember getting out of school and i crossed the street to see this
The way they circling they hands the both gonna catch so air and fly away….. Lol
They ugly ass hell?
They looked better without their wigs
I Was In This Video LMAO
Keisha ass to funny
I love when females get into the boxing stance like there gonna fuck some shit up and the first thing there asses grab is the hair. don't get me wrong it's one thing to wrap hair around to hold them down….its another to b a bitch and pull nothing but hair. if u say u got hands learn how to use them
when u fighting make sure your weave is on tight
how you fina run up wit a set n straight drop it to pull hair !!!!!!!!!!!!11
Lets see them in the front lines perhaps they be running from bullets.
This was a good fight
Baled headed bitchs..eww
Both them HOODBOOGERS edges done burnt the fuck out.
LOST CHILDREN worst than the roman empire with the cheering, GET A BIBLE
lmao both of these bitches balded headed….a hot ass mess
Who is keisha
They both don't have hair so . They can't pull hair
I like one in the jean shorts
I like one in the jean shorts
Weaves came off early. Get that out of the way.
This was tired ? thumbs down ?
This weak
And after all that I smell fish….bitches go wash up and act like women
That bitch shaking some salt b4 she swings lmao @0:04
Who won
i remember getting out of school and i crossed the street to see this
The way they circling they hands the both gonna catch so air and fly away….. Lol
They ugly ass hell?
They looked better without their wigs
I Was In This Video LMAO
Keisha ass to funny
I love when females get into the boxing stance like there gonna fuck some shit up and the first thing there asses grab is the hair. don't get me wrong it's one thing to wrap hair around to hold them down….its another to b a bitch and pull nothing but hair. if u say u got hands learn how to use them
when u fighting make sure your weave is on tight
how you fina run up wit a set n straight drop it to pull hair !!!!!!!!!!!!11
Lets see them in the front lines perhaps they be running from bullets.
This was a good fight
Baled headed bitchs..eww
Both them HOODBOOGERS edges done burnt the fuck out.
LOST CHILDREN worst than the roman empire with the cheering, GET A BIBLE
lmao both of these bitches balded headed….a hot ass mess
Who is keisha
They both don't have hair so . They can't pull hair
I like one in the jean shorts
I like one in the jean shorts
Weaves came off early.
Get that out of the way.
This was tired ? thumbs down ?
This weak
And after all that I smell fish….bitches go wash up and act like women
That bitch shaking some salt b4 she swings lmao @0:04