From Yellowstone to Mt. Vesuvius here are 5 volcanoes that could erupt at any moment!
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No mention of Mt. Etna in Sicily, one of the most active volcanoes on the planet and errupts every few years? Yeah, not a very accurate list.
It's ta-al, get it right
Naples itself is built inside the crater of a much larger volcano that is also due. And I live in New Zealand and we have many volcanoes that can erupt any time soon, like White Island which erupted quite recently. In Christchurch we live right next to two "extinct" volcanoes, they say its no risk because they are flooded with, that doesn't mean that at some point magma can make its way up and doom Christchurch… if someone has a more scientific perspective it would be very much appreciated if they could teach me more about "extinct" volcanoes.
I am surprised that the volcanoes in Guatemala weren't mentioned. 3 of them are active and spitting out lava right now.
What about Mt. Rainier and Mt. Hood?
5 of all volcanoes around the world "that could erupt any second". No shit.
This is a very misleading video. All of the volcanoes mentioned are known about and have some sort of monitoring programme. None of them are going "explode at any second". They will be preceded by warning signs such as increases in seismic activity, ground deformation and changes in the chemistry of gases being discharged.
Vesuvius is the most heavily monitored volcano in the world. There are not many volcanoes with an observatory dedicated specifically to them. Vesuvius is one. There will be warning.
Yellowstone is a caldera volcano and as such it is prone to bursts of seismic activity, shifts in steam vents and what gases come out. It is monitored around the clock. Even if the build up to an eruption started today, it might be decades before any eruptive activity. In about 2004 a documentary depicting a caldera eruption came out and people thought that an eruption was imminent. 16 years later…
Agung has had several small eruptions since 1963. As recently as 2018 it erupted.
As usual the only volcano's in this report are all in the northern hemisphere. My country, New Zealand, in the southern hemisphere only exists due to tectonic plate movement and volcanic interaction with the fault lines that this causes. The volcano that worries me is in Hawaii, it is the height of Mt. Everest mostly under the water and it is always active; if the side blew out of it the tsunami would be extremely large. It would, as it has in the past, reach us without doubt. The result would be complete devastation if computer modeling is to be believed.
I’ve actually been to Vesuvius, it’s actually due for another major eruption (like the one that destroyed Pompeii) soon
There No evidence that a future eruption of Yellowstone would be minor!
Yellowstone doesnt do Minor. It does Catastrophic. Its an Iceage creator. A population culler.
I smell the serious disimination of bs from the usbs. Also I understand they have about 100000 tons of toilet tissue in case of an eruption they couldnt put their finger in. Alas because of the tremondus amount of heat involved it would be almost impossible to distribute enough to do any good in case of a real eruption. Stuff would be splattered all the way down the road back to home base with mr mikey in the lead. Go mr mike!!!!!!!
Well thank goodness, i been waiting 73 years for this and now its down to seconds. Come on i hope this isnt one of those chicken little stories, the sky is falling, the sky is falling
yeah, there one my girlfriend.
I don't think we have a Volcano ? near us because I live in England UK ??.
Just move?
A video about the possibility of a volcanic eruption on or near the northwest coast of the U.S. would be interesting.
i am sooooo tired of prophecies about yellowstone. the timeline for its eruptions are NOT predictive about when it will erupt next. there will be SERIOUS implications demonstrating when it will happen beforehand. actual scientists will tell us when to worry. put something more interesting as #1 as in like a volcano that actually is showing legit signs of that.
I live in Wyoming.
This is no big deal. We live day today like the rest of the world.
I live in the US on the east coast, so YellowStone…
Yellowstone is the closes valcanoe to me
We nicknamed our old gravity-flow furnace VESUVIUS because it would accumulate a lot of gas in the combustion box before the pilot would ignite it. It often shook the house.
Change the video speed to 1.25….you're welcome
What about Mt. Rainier?
Don't you think mountain Kinabalu of North Borneo is alive?
Who cares about “classes for many students.” ?
My Agung erupted last year
IF… if the heavens fall down we are all dead!
I took a tour of Vesuvius in 2018. Took a bus up most of the way then hiked to the top. It was awesome to look down into the crater. Hopefully it never goes because I went to Pompeii and those people never had a chance.