Rescue Poor Cat Was Dying After A Tragic Accident Make You Cry So Much
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We met this video on the internet.
She had just been injured by a tragic accident.
Mouth and thighs have terrible injuries.
15 minutes later
I was at the scene, this time she was trying to creep to the roadside.
Many teeth were broken …
The thighs have a big hole …
Blood still keeps flowing …
She is breathing very weakly.
Really hurt
And the difficult rescue began …
Courtesy: ?Последний шанс.
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
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Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
This is beyond fucked up…. Im so pissed and sad all at the same time…
TY for helping kitty. Looks like cat is getting better. Please post more updates.
What a rough veterinarian, what was the need to be so abrupt knowing that the cat is suffering. Do you hear a dog crying in a terrible way?
Dios pobrecito
This is very sad ????????? I’m crying
Parabéns pra você q salvou a vida dese gatinho parabéns pra você deus vai dar ou dobro a você parabéns pelo ou seu coração tão bom
That dog going nuts in the background at 9:10 was awful.
Пойду своих двух девочек потискаю
Thanks to the rescuers ,God bless you!,
You are wonderful people, I admire you for what you do. I wish you and your pupils health. Greetings from Poland
Ya Allah, dont be cry sweetheart, you're save now
الله يرحمكم كما رحمتم هذي الحيوانه المسكينه
Thank you for saving this little angel, i am sure
someone is going to reward you sometimes.
Thank you so much!!
Tadinho do gatinho
I was about to watch this ….as the advertisements were playing I read some comments and one said, that there is no follow up on how the kitten is. So…I refuse to watch as this is a video that is not dedicated to taking care of the animals after they are video taped. Such a shame. I like videos where absolute recovery is important and all ends well…. I don't want to be frustrated and STRESSED that the animal is not followed up on.
Thankful the kitty was saved!
Please thank you for your service
Poor kitty. Thanks for helping him recover
Im so happy you guys saved this poor baby but you took wayyyyy too long to start the process of healing it just to show what had happened to it especially with you guys stating that she was bleeding out.
Maldita gente sin escrúpulos, como es que le pueden hacer eso a un animal indefenso, me da rabia, coraje ver todo eso, los animalitos son lo mas bello de este planeta y los ""humanos"" la peor plaga que hay, de verdad que hay gente buena aun, me da gusto cuando cuidan a los animalitos, no deberia haber maltrato hacia ellos
So heartbreaking
God is good
Poor baby. Look. Shes getting better on the last part. A cat who feels really bad. Wont be that responsive and sweet. Thank you for helping her.