Rescue Poor Dog Suffered serious accident lying on the streets for 10 days without help

Rescue Poor Dog Suffered serious accident lying on the streets for 10 days without help
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Rescue Poor Dog Suffered serious accident lying on the streets for 10 days without help – Miracle Story

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Imagine laying on the streets after you’ve suffered a serious accident, just laying there on the wet and cold concrete, with people passing alongside, and NOT A SINGLE PERSON tries to help you.

Lucky was lying on the streets for more than 10 days in this condition in the middle of a populated area so we wonder, how did your heart allow you to pass by this 4 months old baby???

We are a non profit animal organisation from Macedonia – Anima Mundi
and once we found out about him, we immediately took him to the vet.

One of his back legs is rotten, it can’t be recovered.
The veterinarian recommended urgent amputation because the leg was necrosized, and with it the blood was poisoned.The blood results were pretty bad, which is due to the necrotizing tissue, a tattered leg and an open wound.

He is dehydrated, not opening his mouth, he hasn’t eaten for days because of the severe pain, he is not able to stand on his feet , which indicates of more injuries than the visible ones.
That’s why we made lots of X Rays, and found out that the other leg can be saved but another surgery has to be done as soon as he is a bit stable.

His leg was amputated and he survived the surgery!

He is still in life threatening condition, but he is the strongest fighter we have met, with gentle soul and eyes filled of gratitude that someone actually ended his agony.

A long journey is ahead of him, if we want him


or on our bank account: 240090002006130
Depositor: Uni Bank – Skopje.

More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue:
Howl Of A Dog:
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel:

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Thank you for watching!

#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog


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About the Author: STRAY PAWS


  1. You came along and Lucy is so happy now he can get a wheel chair and go any were he likes thanks for saving him give him the best care and home no more pain

  2. Dios mío por qué estos angelitos tienen que sufrir por qué no entiendo que mierda les han hecho estos angelitos para que tengan que sufrir así ya es hora de cambiar dejen a estos animalitos en paz dejenlos vivir tranquilos carajo y ya basta de maltrato y de matar basta por dios ,muchas gracias por haberlos rescatado y darle una nueva oportunidad a este hermoso angelito bendiciones

  3. To the lucky people who got Lucky, if you need any help building a cart for him to get up off the ground and get around better, let me know I am a fabracator of light weight metal's. Maybe I can make something for him. That face is the most inocent I have ever seen. Unbelievable that he laid for 10 days and people walked by while he looked up at them with that beautiful smile and face, unreal. In all that pain and he still looked up with a smile at people when they walked past. Some people are going to hell first class ?……

  4. O Deus quanto esse inocente não sofreu meu Deus, Deus abençoe grandemente todos vocês e esses inocentes, parabéns pelo trabalho maravilhoso

  5. Thank you to the person who bring him to the vet and also to the doctor . God bless you both. Please continue to help other more dog in need . ???bless your family …???

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