Rescuing Stray Puppy Was Whining On The Road After A Accident
Subscribe to STRAY PAWS Channel: https://bit.ly/2mtRpL7
Perhaps, the puppy has just had an accident, pain, whining and trying to crawl into the roadside.
Luckily, this angel is still alive.
But the breath is weak, heavy …
He needs to go to Vet for immediate treatment.
On X-ray, he broke his front leg and needed surgery immediately.
This poor puppy is also anemic and malnourished.
After successful surgery, the puppy is still in the Clinic.
For the first 2 days, he was still trembling, shy.
But now Baby is happier and friendlier …
We are sure that Baby will have a better life after getting well.
Credit & Please donate: ПОМОЩЬ ЖИВОТНЫМ #ПРОСТО_ЖИВИ
На кураторстве 17��
РЕПОСТ – это огромная помощь � �
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
People are mean and they dont care if any animal will live or not
Very beautiful
Omg that pour soul!
I’m crying my heart out for this little guy
Please Find them amazing forever homes they deserve better than this.
Always good job ! God bless you all ! Thanks .?
He should be called Miracle.
Спасибо за жизнь…
You are all good people.
Thank you for being there to help him ????
Poor little darling. Thank you for saving him, get well soon lovely ?????????
Strong for dog puppys
Thank you????❤️❤️❤️
oh my God,what a poor puppy
thank you guys for saving this poor soul
너무마르고 아프네요 아가 힘들고 아팠구나 ㅠ 따듯한 치료손길 고맙습니다 ?사랑받고 건강하게 행복하자?
Que lindo ele é !! ??
Parabéns pelo lindo trabalho de recuperação! Deus abençoe
Amore meraviglioso & meravigliose persone che lo hanno accudito, nutrendolo, accarezzandolo, viene da piangere, non mi spiego perche' nel mondo ci siano delle creaturine cosi indifese, cosi fragili, innocenti, e non sempre chi passa si ferma. In Sardegna solo da pochissimo tempo si stanno iniziando a vedere alcune leggi a tutela degli animali. Io spero che tutti capiscano che l'abbandono e la violenza sono sempre reato, sia sugli umani sia su qualsiasi altra specie. Grazie per tutto il bene che fate…vedervi fa commuovere profondamente.
Ojjjjjj Baby ???????
That is one cute dog, I love those ears……so cool!!
Muchísimas gracias por rescatarlo mil gracias cuidenlo muchísimo por favorr bendiciones angelito y para ustedes
Хорошо что вы есть на свете, люди с добрым сердцем! Пусть Бог хранит вас и ваших детей!
Que pesadilla es para los animalitos el abandono gracias por rescatar a este hermoso perrito ??????
baie geluk met die feit dat hy so 'n liefdevolle persoon met diere is
Baby's scared of humans….I do not blame her or him….
Как больно смотреть в начале, и как радуешься в конце просмотра,низкий поклон вам люди.
Merci à toutes ces âmes sensibles qui sauve toutes ces boules de poils qu on adore
Povre petit chien
Бедный малыш .спасибо за спасение .сколько этих несчастных и лишь единицам везет .Спасибо огромное .
That pup is so cute Thank you for saving it's life It makes you just want to keep it yourself and I know we can't keep all the animals that we rescue but inside we really wish we could.
thanks for rescuing this poor soul <3 where can I adopt him?
Ainda bem que existem anjos na terra Deus abençoe e ilumine a todos felicidades vocês merecem parabéns e felicidades continuem assim???????✋?✌???❤?
Bebê lindo precioso resgate
Grazie x tutto quello che fate x lui ciao piccolo buona vita amore grazie siete fantastici! spero che trovi anche l'amore di una famiglia che gli voglia tanto bene ciao!!!!!?????????????
хорошенький какой
good job
? amor ? amor ? amor ? amor ? amor ? amor ? amor ? amor ? amor
Thank you for your care
What a sweet baby, I pray she gets a wonderful forever home!! Thank you so much for saving her!!!