The scariest day of our life!!!
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Pranks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQiOG2V67yM&list=PLWnYjJbMgkcGWQjSexj1eVPsQUza-PagK
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Justus’ Snapchat: Jayepusha
Kayla’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/baelarenee/
Kayla’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/baelarenee
Kayla’s Snapchat: Beautybybaela
**Inquiries: mediathejknation@gmail.com**
i’m sorry but this was soo funny. kayla took both rides like a G .. vlogging, getting footage for us and everything & Justus on the other hand crying and whining ?? #JkNationnnnnnn ??
“My stomach is in my ass”???
Y’all were so shook about how bad that ride actually was like y’all didn’t see everybody saying that ??? great content tho
Don’t go on Guardians, it’s twice as bad
Omg!! I was eating while watching y’all ride the ride and I got nauseous myself I can’t imagine y’all ??
IG- Raynikhaa_11
KAYLA’S A G bruh??
These two are so dope! Inspired us to make our own couple channel, dropped a couple vids already, would appreciate some support and feedback❤️
Justus is alittle suspect to me
This ride is so scary!
I went on it with my kids and they where terrified!
I don't know why they let little kids go on this!
❤️❤️❤️❤️???love u guys
Yo I’m about to head to Disney land next month thanks for the info lol
Wow this made me so happy you guys are so cute and I love Disneyland ! Loved your guys reactions I’m cracking up??
love you guys!
Y’all so annoying lol
I love you guys hey jk nation!! ❤️
“My stomach is in my ass” ??I laughed to damn much at that part
Justus always sounds so hyped ???
Justice your expressions were hilarious ?
Every time I see that ride I’m like “yes it’s so fun” then I get on and I’m like “why did I ever think this was a good idea I know I hate this ride get me off” ?
But also!!! Goofy’s Sky School is the worst in my opinion! You literally feel like you’re gonna fly out ?
Love you guys ❤️
Justus face ????????
I hate that ride so much!! Lmao! I was literally CRYING!!! & screaming lmfao!! ????