Призраки.Привидения.Духи.Фантомы.Часть 23//Ghost caught on camera.Part 23
videos de fantasmas//echte geister videos//أشباح تم تصويره على الكاميرا//شبح القبض على الكاميرا أعلى أشرطة فيديو مخيفة.//भूतों को कैमरे पर फिल्माया गया//
רפאים שצולמו במצלמה//ارواح فیلم برداری شده در دوربین//kamerada çekilen hayaletler//fantômes de caméra//scariest video ever.
Is "Boggart" slang for a booger eating kid getting caught on camera ?? That's what I see at 4:57 and some little critter running across the floor.
Good video Mistic & Ko. Definitely a few I haven’t seen before. Keep up the great work.
Abandoned hospital cleaner than my house and have electricity?weard
? المفروض الإنسان يقوى إيمانه ?
That last video was strange and frightening. Overall very creepy content.
? Like ? Great ? Video ? Nice ?
That last video was Interesting
Mistic&K… Sometimes when I watch your videos I wonder if you're putting your special effects in it of shadow people.
Omg, the shadow man, it, thing? had titties lol..gnz
1 must be fake. ….the odd Filming is just to contextually silly?L who would sit there filming a Demon ?? Just obviously stupidly fake..imho..gnz
first one is an ape of some kind
#2 Someone is walking on like a tight rope of some sort, you can see them grab a tree branch for balance
Я бы давно обделался??????????
Русские опять посрать не дали мужику
Lol this is fake
Hmm, the 1st one is suspect…
Who on earth films an old lady picking her nose in a crack den tho?
Как всегда, с удовольствием посмотрел, спасибо!)?
Anybody notice how every single one of these videos are filmed on crap flipphones, moving and shaking like a person having a grand mal seizure?? Hhmmmmm, makes you wonder!
The ghost on tv is not from spain.
Is from Brasil
In the first one, it seems like this is an intruder not a spirit. When watching the entity brings up their arm, and there is a flash of flesh color where the hand would be. A second or two later, there is a child in the window. Very close to window sill level. I can't go frame by frame with my computer.
I really like you're video's
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Все материально,все объяснимо….Живу дооолго,обожаю ужасы,но …ничего,никогда не видела и не слышала…хоть бы раз…Один страх,это за своих близких!А все это типа….-Иду…темно….гляжу… пятно….цап,цап……тепло……нюх,нюх…..г–но!!! Но я подписалась и смотрю с удовольствием и жду следующих видео)))
I always enjoy your videos. I'm sure to see a few I haven't already seen. Thanks for the download! I sure appreciate the English now too. However, written Russian is much more pleasing to look at than written English.
Looks like 2 faces in first one… A dark face at top of screen and. Another one looking in the window
Привет дружище привет Добрый день ?????????????
Доиграются , не дай Бог , с коллайдером… и попрёт такое со всех щелей . Жуть .
The first one you can tell is just a person!… the 2nd one is someone.. maybe a child , in a tree from what we can see from the footage.. the 3rd one is just silly, the Mexican shadow was good, probably fake but still good……. also… THANKYOU SO MUCH for the English translations on you videos now, enjoyed them before but the English narration and subtitles really help
???☠️???Hello from Russia., I lake paranormal, ghosts.
I have a feeling that dark shadowy entity peaking at granny can't wait to claim its fresh soul once she passes on.. Cold to say but we may never know what could be waiting for us in the other side once we pass away..
Great video!!! Very entertaining channel!! Thank you very much!!
1:45 a morte esperando o serviço ????
Монстрик из России прикольный????
Вот это жуть так жуть!!! Mistik,это было крутое видео,спасибо!!!????
Real girl picking her nose…………… Lol
Mistic&K*, I love what you're doing. I love that you're connecting and responding to your viewers' requests for translations etc. It shows that you care about your audience and it'll pay off for you in the long run. Keep up the good work and BIG SHOUT OUT TO YOU from Australia. You're quickly becoming one of the best I've had the pleasure to find. THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK!!!
These Ghosts love playing peekaboo Lol..Nice video thankyou ?
Awesome thank you
Вот откуда знали, что именно там появится нечто и камеру поставили прям напротив. Что-то попахивает пиз**ом – 1 случай.