Today we check out 5 Mysterious Events Caught On VHS Tape. A caught on camera ghost for many is pretty terrifying. Some paranormal videos caught on tape collections feature a variety of eerie sightings. Now I will check out new and scary youtube videos that will send some shivers down your spine.
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FAIR USE STATEMENT This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism and is believed to be “fair use” in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
“Echoes of Time” & “Static Motion”Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
“Creepy Lullaby, A.wav” by InspectorJ of Freesound.org
“Ambience, Creepy Wind, A.wav” by InspectorJ of Freesound.org
“machine_hydraulic_industrial.wav” by reznik_Krkovicka of Freesound.org
“Creepy Classical Vinyl Glitched.wav” by mattcmusic of Freesound.org
Ther 1st clip in the sewer was actually here in North Carolina
These clips are reminiscent of the old YouTube days, I've seen them hundreds of times though
Around the 3:40 to 3:50 mark i thought I heard "anna" or something like that.
The "fallen angel" clip has actually been debunked.
You can tell that the glowing eyes at about 6.37 were added later because they're on the guy's forehead. His actual eyes are visible below.
The last vod with the peeping tom doing the simulated jacking off is super klassy. Is that where the frostys are made? What else are we not being told! ??
Goooood work KingFrostmare ? Love both ur channels
10:12 Looks faked. But as for the rest of this video. All hell is about to bust lose. Seeing more and more of this. In alot of paranormal. Such as this. How do we escape the halls of hell. Repentance In Christ. We MUST Be Born Again In Christ Jesus. There is no other way. Anything else short of Jesus Christ. Is As Sinking Sand. Just the way it is.
4:24 STINKING ADDS grrr.
2:10 A Devil Beast. Having it's way. Beware !!! It's going to get alot worse than this. This is an example. Of what is yet to come. According to.The Scriptures. It was their time.
All hell is about to bust lose. Satan is looking to take many with him, to hell. When his time comes. He and all the fallen, and people who resisted God. Even Hell Itself. Will Be Cast Into.The Lake of Fire. When it is All Over, Said, and Done. For this to is Also Written In The Bible.
So, the "ghost girl's vid, I can barely see (potato quality). The last one, I believe is one of his friends trying to be funny while the guy inside is recording himself. Thank you, King Frostmare, for sharing these with us!! ?
0:33 Could be right. In The Bible. It Is Written. That we wouls see such strange things like this. There has been many other such strangness. As we are now in the Birth Pangs. That The Christ Spoke About. In Matthew Chapter 24, New Testament. As we are appriaching The Last Days. Just look around. You'll see it. Even the Unbelievers see's the Massuve Change. So Wake Up Everybody. The Kingdom of God. Is At Hand.
Even ghost hunters use the old style to capture pictures of ghost
Something in the woods makes noise and has eyes soooooo scary.
This is freaky as shit I love it
Ghost girl is in Corpus Christi TX where I live and that's the Smith Building. In Lipan St the building is now a loft apartments..
the first video..thats tubifex worms, we have it in sewers ,here, sometime…
???Seeing these old videos that started it all is refreshing. So many videos such little time thank u for uploading and editing.
That last one is bull there’s no way he didn’t see dude in the window on his recording screen.
That last video was creepy and funny at the same time ??
The first reminds me of the movie “It”
Dude said he’d rub your feet, pound your box, and he can cook too. I was like, wait what did he? Way to hard to take a scary video seriously when you’re cracking up laughin…
I love these older video collections, as we get to re-watch them, and compare notes in comments section re: which ones have since been debunked, h b fand which ones (surprising lol) have withstood the test of time.
The first one looks seriously pornographic.
The ghost girl one, I couldn’t see anything at all, even when it was slowed down ?♀️.. the shadow person , definitely fake…. conclusion… all fake but keep them coming KingFrostmare, we love you ❤️
Was… was that guy at the window in the last video jacking off? 0o
1:28 it is filmed in Norway and he said that "they are everywhere" in Norwegian.
1-какая гадость!!!Видео понравилось!Лайк!
At first i was like, "those videos are so old." Then i looked at the title again.
2:09 Guy wearing a rain jacket hood with his mouth gaping open. ? Not impressed here
Really ?? Come on man!!! These are old as he'll clips that have been played to death on other channels. Go get some new stuff, not other Utubers old shit!!
There is no such thing as a fallen angel – it's all Illuminati aka Vatican Elite lies, there are no "bad" angels and "good" angels or celestial beings. Demons are Angels that scare people to be good and only Humans can be good and bad because we need to achieve at being better, kinder and more compassionate people…plus to not destroy this planet with pollution and litter.