Mark of the Beast

Mark of the Beast
Spread The Viralist

the mark of the Beast is right before every man woman and child and so few really know it. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the first Beast was the Serpent in Genesis and the God prophesied that the Seed of the woman – Jesus Christ would wound the head of the Serpent. Read Mathew 23 then you may discover when the Serpent was wounded who the Beast really is and then put the pieces together while our government and the Evangelical community give over their power unto the Beast
Steven Ben-Nun
8297 Champions Gate Blvd #442
Champions Gate Florida 33896

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About the Author: Israeli News Live


  1. We are being bombarded with the Democrats and the left passing legislation to crack down on hate speech and on the right we have the Republicans passing legislation about anti-semitism…..

    It just goes to show that the power lords are trying to take away as much Freedom as possible in the name of fighting hate speech and anti-semitism.

    When is America going to wake up and realize that we are being had? Both sides prop up one another to protect the big Casino……

  2. Just be a voice crying in the wilderness. Saying repent repent repent! Give your life to YESHUA so that your name will be written in the Lambs book of life!!

  3. These are the days we live in. To see the second coming! And without all these things coming to pass, then the bible would be a lie. And we know the signs of the season's, so shall we know the signs of the end of days…. you can not stop what is coming for it is written!

  4. Vicarius Filii Dei = 666, the number of the beast is the number of a man and it is 666. Beast = kingdom, papacy is the little horn power, beast system. Vatican is indeed a little kingdom only ~100 acres in size but very powerful today since the 1798 wound is healing still.

  5. The Spirit of the anti Christ is woven into the tapestry of time and history… the same Spirit of theSanhedrin who 2000 years ago engineered the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Living God

  6. If Cod be for us, who can be against us? The Lord was IN the furnace with Shadrack, Meshach and Abednigo. Christ followers preparing to face the fires. Amen and amen!


  8. first and second beast of revelation 13 is a totalitarian system that gets the power and seat of Satan, as he is cast out and needs a vicar to destroy mankind and especially the followers of Messia. The second system with 2 horns is disguising behind image/ imagination/vision/interpretation-creation of Yahshua / King of Isreal and Jews? as a tool for deception, to get the same results as the first Beast. It seems to me genetic minimalization of a spiritual core-Problem: self-worship! That touches all of us being trapped in selfconcern and deceivers appearing as the only solution of problems he had created in the first start to get consent while pushing/ruling away from our real Savior. For me it is very disturbing to see your meaning of "seed" out of context of the "fruit" concerning their zealous thriving from the beginning when the visitors of Herodes made him call the scribes because of the star of a newborn King of the Jews. Herodes´ reaction to an impending regime-change finds its continuation to wipe out the Real Heir and King till to this very day! Those who know the existence of dominion by the Holy Ghost over matter and wishfull thinking will smile about bloodline-theories and avoid to enter the realm of divide et conquer… especially when it tends to become a method for targeting by consent.

  9. Brothers in Christ needing the body of Christ to unite and help me out. I have a Functioning Business sports bar with a 85 TV's and kitchen in Houston Texas that I want to dedicate. To all the brothers In christ for them to have a facility 6 days a week that they can unite have food prayer meetings meditation Bible study all kind of function it's a 6000 ft² facility and I need funds to converted . Any suggestions prayers need help to get this done for the glory of God you can contact me 832 692 9700

  10. 3flocks pasture before the rock but there are 2rocks they parish because they dont know my way's plural moon = temple stars= messenanic/12 desiples fig tree cursed god only allowed until acts9 no more putting law work shed blood/ water of back under the abolished sin law fleshwork of baptisem no more repenting no redicating no renewing jesus is calling his hidden ones his hidden 2nd wife by faith+ nothing by faith alone using hidden gentile gospel 1corin15 1to4 5to58 no trib no wrath no great wrath acts 15 book of hebrews jesus useing paul to call in 2nd wife to make a end of his 1st judgement no law= no sin pure as snow no spot no wrinkel jams told you all thechristan sons of liberty are clean only the house of emmanuel = house of king david blood curse lifted by kings salt & by cross blood water 1st kings peace forever but 2 curses forever upon the 1stwifes head 1of blood 1of curse of the fig tree if you can survive the 3rd judgement@matthew 25 goat sheep at the great white throne the remenant moses/david / soloman required the rapturesongs be sung 1500 of them temple is moon 12descipels stars sun ( son) = gentile hidden wife #2 hidden hebrews church jesus 1st judgement@john 14:30 then 2nd judgent is jesus@his gentile rapture bride both judges judge the martyers we enter east gate to fight we are saviors an we judge along with christ we rebuild then l return new jerusalem ( bac k to father) only john14: 30 jesus@his 1st judgement rapture bride @ 2nd woman can return new jerusalem moon@stars stay on the n ew earth or temple @ messenaic king david will set on a new earthly throne jesus@his 2nd wife will be restored back on fathers holy mounton of fire that satan destroyed ( only jesus@his gentile no trib only peace forever more are able to move from pasture to pasture) evedently must be other pastures out there somewhere ( no i dont have clue who will be the new choir leader is) satan destroyed jesus origional church by makeing them repent that was his iniquity | god can repent all he wants | devil sang to jesus ecclesia your a god go eat that or of that tree its ok just repent. he was tearing heavenly 1st church apart hebrews 6:1-19 repenting is spirirt that does awork jesus finished all works now its a familiar spirit its a dead sin flesh law abolished ( necromamcy) repenters are the tares its unbelief you told father he is a lier iam going to keep hanging back on the cross until he gets it done right . god gave them their delusion they wait for 3rd judgement matthew24 remenat waiting for matt 25 sheep goats dan 12 with 2 curses upon there heads forever saved but its a caste system of priest cant ever leave new earth

  11. God perfectly preserved his words in English in the KJV. "I am he" is correct. God, using the word "he" after the words "I am", doesn't take away the truth that Jesus is I Am like you are presuming. You can trust that God perfectly preserved his words in English. God is faithful. He is a blessing to his people. He doesn't make it hard to have a copy of his words that you can hold in your hands. People make it difficult, but He doesn't. The KJV has been translated into other languages too. The average Christian man or woman does not learn Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. They don't have to. They don't need a Pope or a self-proclaimed priest to interpret God's word from the "original languages" either. Man makes God's word hard to get. God gave His Bible straight to the average person, because he loves us. Theological seminaries of the higher critics do not know God, because they have no faith that God loves his children, and kept His promise to preserve His words throughout all generations so that we all may know Him because we can read His Bible for ourselves. What Christians need is not a better or easier to read version of God's word. The KJV is the only version that has a built-in dictionary. The only thing people need to read God's word is a humble heart, and the Holy Spirit will open their understanding.

  12. Pence is an actor speaking lines written to keep him and Trump in power. You've got to prostrate yourself before AIPAC and show you are an employee and shill for their evil machinations to be treated fairly by their media which controls who is elected.

  13. Dear Jesus our king bless you and dear holy spirit and in mathew chap 23 verse verse 5 to 10 and call no man your father like a pastor or a rabbi in verse 10 only Jesus is our king and teacher they regard themselves higher than our king Jesus christ our king of king not one a priest a pastor a rabbi only Jesus of nazareth our king they all think their higher than our king Jesus of nazareth king of Kings it is written love from Ireland saluting these flags and man's traditions all of it was to deceive whole world should be humble bowing down on our knees and repent and praising our king of Kings Jesus of nazareth reading the bible his word stop trusting man only put your trust in Jesus our king of Kings blessings Steve with the truth read the bible his word is Jesus and Jesus will teach you and holy spirit

  14. God Bless you! Your words and message are very powerful! And so right! We do need to be trying to bring the Jewish people to Christ.

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