From a mysterious shadow figure seen in a class photo to a creepy ghost captured on film during a school field trip we count 10 real ghosts that have appeared in school photos.
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I'm a simple man. I see Slapped Ham video. I click and I like. 🙂
I myself have a chilling experience in Rizal High School that is where i study when i was in high school it was oct.31,1999 i will not forget that date ever in my life, it was when it was 7pm it is about the time we will go to our last period class ,, our class room is located there in i.r. building where the aparition took place,it was known in the japanese occupation when the japanese take over the philippines that school became their head quarters where they killed filipinos who turned their back to japanese soldiers, there was a headless ghost who roam around the building whom his head as always seen in various places in that building,,where teachers are always scared because they are the one who always get to see the head of the headless ghost on top of thier table in various classrooms on that building.. So going back to my story it was 7pm in the evening it was a halloween night,me and 7 of my classmates are chatting as we are heading towards that building for our class when suddenly i heard a loud whistle, as if like someone is catching ur attention,as if like someone is calling for u, it was very loud as it is heard on the whole school ground but i noticed that my classmates can't barely even recognize the sound maybe because they are busy chatting but it really caught my attention, as i am looking for who was whistling that sound ,the room beside our classroom caught my attention that room was very dark because no one was there in that room but it caught my attention for i see someone is standing inside the room facing towards us the distance of me and to that person inside the classroom is about estimately 15 yards from each other so i cannot barely see if that "someone" has a head so i drew and walked closer because whenever he is whistling and u happen to look for the one who whistles he hides on the wall of the classroom as if like playing hide and seek,and i said to myself,how come on that dark room there is still some students staying?? And when i drew closer to see who is that someone,,as the shocked of my life i see the head less ghost infront of me glowing bright like a 10watts light bulb,the ghost was in full apparition ang standing in front of me as i can see what is behind the ghost for it is transparent as i noticed.. Then thats when it came to my senses that i was standing infront of i ghost so i began screaming shouting that there is a ghost!! My classmates and i runaway but they cant see what i see even if it is still standing infront of us,, as our shouting causes a sudden commotion ,the homeroom teacher who was designated on that room where the ghost was floating because it is in 6 feet in length so i assume that it is floating,opened the door insert her key in and as the teacher enters the room i can still see the headless ghost standing next to the teacher but the teacher didnt notice the ghost who is beside her and when she turned on the light,, the headless ghost was gone. It is a true to life story everytime i get to tell this,,it still gives me the chills everytime..
NOT a camera malfunction! REAL ghost! She’s also appeared in the window and there’s a picture on google of her standing on the roof watching a football game.
I’m from El Paso and the ghost is real
#5. Ghost man is waving.
someone stood in shadow,i love all your content,s from the uk
looks like sailers from past
might be a manjken head with a wig
It's ridiculous how many ads their is in just a minute video I'm seeing this more and more in your videos
On#5 if you look 3 students to the left above the female teacher next to the chubby kid it looks like there's another ghost looking sideways.
Hey i live in el paso lol i drive past this highschool everyday
in the 1st photo theres another ghostly person in it , if you count 2 people up from the spirit girl then directly to right just peaking out from behind the head of the guy is another face its like attached to the white smudge looking thing you see hair eyes and a nose is where it starts to wash out . its directly above the guy in a white jumper with a stripe across it
doesn't matter if the videos and photo's you show are real or not with the technology we have nowadays anything can be faked
In photo number 4…thats my hand and that woman's sholder ?
The figur in video 1 looks like mike Jackson ?
You're not a proper El Paso school if you're not haunted.
The janitors won't go to the third floor after dark. All duties are done before dark.
It is believed that there are spirits from the flu epidemic at the turn or the 19/20th century. And of course don't forget John Wesley Harden.
all these photos look very legit to me..damn so they real..but why haven't they moved on..if heaven and hell exists why don't they moved on there..GOD OPEN YOUR GATE LET THEM IN..DEVIL OPEN YOUR GATES AND LET THEM IN..
Wasn’t impressed with this video but I can’t expect to love 100% of your vids… just 99.99% lol
Only motherf….king logic Bastards and sluts bitches believes in ghosts ?
The Pearl Harbor gym one is friggen awesome. The rest? Well, they're from Asia so most likely faked.
no.6 what we called PENANGGAL. Only its head, lung and intestines appear and fly searching for blood from women who given birth.
Yeah, right.
So on YouTube it's:
Slapped Ham
On Snapchat it's:
Snapped Ham
Is Instagram… Instaham? Lol
Oh my goodness Malaysia really? The smell of clean laundry attracts the monster??.. someone was just trying to get their kid to do laundry and now everyone is terrified of a super fake ghost ? ?????
So absolutely rediculous it’s all faked BS
The last photo with the two girls in the classroom and an apparition third in the back looks like a girl had her back turned towards the camera because her reflection is clearly reflected on the smooth surface of the student desk. The poor lighting in the image made her look other worldly but she's not a ghost.
I spent 4 years in a boarding school manor, that was previously a world war one hospital, without a doubt the most terrifying times of my life.
If these ghosts photos are real and not fakes, then they are demonic entities deceiving people in to thinking they are human ghosts. The Bible makes it quite clear at death the soul returns to GOD Ecclesiastes chapter 11 for judgement .
I knew a Phillipino chick who often talked about ghost stuff. Got a feeling it's over analyzed there.
Im fearless
The ghost in the first one looks like Michael Jackson…
2 is sad
3 is terrifying
4 weird. Maybe the body is behind the student?
5 could just be another student doing a prank. Still creepy though
6 creepy hand maybe just a person's hand in a weird position.
7 idk about this one
8 that's another sad one
9 was gonna say another student but it's you can see through it so no. The Onrio Theroy sounds scary though
Slapped ham you scare the bacon bits out of me
@2:02 someone used a pencil eraser to disfigure the original "ghost's" face, then imposed it over another person's yearbook image-making it appear ethereal…i know these kinds of things exist. THIS just ain't one of them.
It’s professor snape in the first video
Okay the first video you showed.
There is no robe at all
The only believable one is, Pear Harbor.
I swear, if the fanbase of this channel is not called "Slapped Fam" I'm done
The one in the bathroom is OBVIOUSLY a hose hanging on the wall. Nothing ghostly about it.
I worked as a janitor at different schools wherever they needed me and every school would get more eerie as the night got later and later!! No lie! ! BLAZE green MEDICINE YA'LL! ! ♧÷♧
The 10th photo, that's actually my school right now. No kidding. The uniform is the same and also the people look familiar.
I don't trust the very popular lady ghost with the dark hair and white dress she's in most.
I was going to send you that photo, number 9 from el paso hs on facebook lol, in the night people hear things falling, or shadows. That hs is haunted