Rescue Poor Dog Was Tied a Stick And Left for Dead On The Side of the Road | Amazing Transformation.- ?? Subscribe Here: http://bit.ly/323sCfG
We have changed his name to Spartacus as it better suits the warrior ♥️ that this dog has. He was left for dead on the side of the road. He was clinging to life by a thread but his will to live won that battle. Now he’s starting his next chapter with us…
More best dog rescue videos, amazing rescue dogs (Puppies) stories or animal rescue stories & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Animal Aid Unlimited, India: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalAi…
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??LOVE DOG? CLICK HERE: http://bit.ly/3b9cHCh
? SUBSCRIBE Here: http://bit.ly/323sCfG. Please also check out:
1/ ➡️ 2020 Touching Your Heart Rescue Abandoned Dogs :http://bit.ly/2XM2qpC
2/ ➡️ 2020 Rescue Puppy Heartbreaking Stories: http://bit.ly/2qFoJkt
I feel so strange after watching so so many those animal rescued videos are on YouTube sites. Why so many sad happen to those innocent animals were taking by videos and post them on YouTube? I say this Animal Rescue Dogs has done so many excellent jobs!! But still can't stop thinking. Are some people planning and making it, hurting poor animals such an horrible ways for purpose and getting high rates on YouTube so they can get incomes?! I hope not…. From Animal Lover from Kyoto Japan.
What a beautiful baby boy…thank you for saving him and giving him a real chance at a new life! big hugs from me xx
People make me sick I will shoot anyone I see hurting an animal or a child or person
Fantastico Spartacus grande forza della natura. Un meraviglioso salvataggio… E quindi un immenso grazie a tutti coloro che si sono adoperati con amore cure e dedizione per salvare questa splendida creatura
. From Italy
Дай Бог,здоровья людям с большим сердцем и чистой душой,что помогают бедным животным.
Absolutely heartbreaking …just so cruel, poor baby, so glad you helped him, his gorgeous, best wishes ..??❤️?..
Thank you
Beautiful dog so glad that he was rescued ❤️❤️❤️??????
Such a precious love, what a horrible life he had lived!! Thank God for the rescuer and the others that have helped give this baby a second chance..I just love Earth angels!! God bless!
Спасибо молодци
Gostodevoces felicidades
Thank you for your action.
What is wrong with those F##kin countries? Make Laws , please ….. and prosecute heavy ….. Please …….. something has to be done …….. now !!!!
you guys are real heroes world is in need of people like yours lots of love and respect from India????????????
Здоровья этим ЛЮДЯМ!!!
Los AMOOOO MIS PELUDITOS feliz de verte Bien muchísimas Gracias
Обожаю смотреть на хороший исход казалось бы безысходной ситуации. Прямо, как бальзам на душу. Живи Собака и радуйся жизни.
Thank for saving this poor dog!
What an incredible recovery God bless the person who found the pup and the Veterinarian who saved this pups life. This brought me so much joy. GOD BLESS
Millones de bendiciones por salvar a este angelito
so full of life. what a beautiful animal!
World Animal organizations need to go to wherever these video's are coming from and do some serious investigations, this does not happen to this magnitude in the US. WTF is wrong with these people? I'm beginning to wonder if this is a sick way to get You Tube money……the amount of time "Video…ing" these animals before jumping in to help them is sometimes a little crazy…..just sayin'. If it's legit kudos to the rescuers, keep up the good work. lets lobby your govt's to take a stand and begin prosecuting the sick and apparently large amount of disgusting abusive people in your countries, someone needs to be held accountable and NOW!
??♥♥♥Thanks you Tanks you for helping dog♥
Que feliz y hermoso se puso, gracias por rescatarlo, muchos likes, donaciones y compartidas, por favor ????????
? saludos y gracias desde MÉXICO❤
I know you have possibly heard this a million times, but….why? What the hell is wrong with people? Completely unnecessary suffering to a living soul. Hope they suffer ten times over. You are so wonderful..❤️❤️❤️
Köszönjük. .. Jezus az. Ur..angel gold??
Какой Красавец!!
И мордаха счастливая!!
И за это собачье счастье,
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