Rescue Poor Puppy had a rahitis faced with so much pains
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Daria ….
She is so small,but faced with so much pain. ?
When we found her,she had a rahitis.
Under our care and thanks to the appropriate therapy,we had an improvment so she start to walk almost normaly.
And when we thought that everything will be ok with her from now in,look what happened!
We called a vet and tell him that is urgent!
The diagnose is Prolapsus rect.
The vet chose to stitch the protruding tissue in its proper location.
She was given Alfaciline i recametason (antibiotic) and Dexametason (anti inflammatory and anti allergenic). From today we continue with oral antibiotic (Amoksiklav).
Daria has a period of recovery in front of her.
If the disorder is found to be deeper in the rectal canal,the intestine may require surgical repairing.
Please donate: Paypal: julia_macevska@yahoo.de
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Strong for dog puppys beautiful
Thank you so much
Semoga cepat sembuh ya nak….
Her foot looked the same, was her foot fixed?? Seeing the last photo….don’t know about this story it doesn’t look legitimate.
Por favor muestren más de ella ??? Gracias y bendiciones…
thanks so much!
Tiene que aver más justicia para ellos que son maltratados y abusados por personas inbeciles
Какя хочу много много денег. купить остров и открыть самый большой в мире приют для собак и кошек и что бы это был только наш с ними РАЙ
God bless you forever
Thank you so much for rescuing this poor puppy that was suffering in pain.
There is a lot missing from this video. If this pup was sick, then I'm glad she's well. But did you fix her legs? Why dont we see anything about the vet being involved? This is a poorly done video. All pups are special, as as dogs. But your videos are not good enough to give their stories completely. I'm probably going to stop watching STRAY PAWS videos. They are sometimes terribly discouraging and rarely good enough to get a full story of healing and restoration out to all of us watching.
Awww this poor puppy on here too,Ty For helping and recusing her too on here
I love puppy?????????❤️❤️❤️????????
It's really strange!
They are two different puppies and i can't see if you really helped the two puppies.
Where is the recovery from the two? As i said they are two different puppies! Poor babies.
Что то не понятно,икак ви ему помогли…. Думаю что никак не помогли.. ! Несчастний ребьенок…
Спасибо , что Вы есть на этой земле!???????????????
Mío gracias por salvar a este bello angelito por favor mandar más imágenes para saber cómo está quiero saber si lo han operado y si el perrito está bien mandar videos por favor cuidenlo mucho
???????хорошо что помогли добрые люди волонтеры маленькие такие выздоравливайте и радужной вам жизни ?????????????️
She is so cute…thank you for your care if her.
Cadê o cuidado cadê a recuperação que vídeo horrível
Demora demais para socorrer não faça mais isso
Bebê sofrendo ????❤️
Good job…!!!?????
1⃣? 2⃣? 3⃣ ?
? for you, angels in the earth.
No da si no impotencia duele el corazón se siente el corazón en pedazos de ver cómo sufren los animales pero las almas buenas no se an acabo Dios los bendiga
Thankyou so match ???????❤❤❤
Awe she was squished or something… poor baby
Why didn’t you show the operation and healing? What does the dog look like now?
Perdon pero no entendi bien elvideo por fabor que alguienme digo gracias?
Punire senza pietà chi maltratta i cani grazie per quello fate vi amo
You guys the real hero
Dear God! How does something like this happen? Or is the reason too horrendous to discuss?
Ela fez cirurgia?
Que paso
Why the governments are so ignorant about sufferings of street dogs. Laproscopic sterilization camps should be orgnized for female street dogs to control birth rate of puppies.
Gracias Dios los bendiga lloro de alegría ????????.
Lo trataron o no?
Quiero ver como esta .
she is so beautiful thank you