Rescue Puppy Who Lost One Eye, Skin On His Forehead Has Peeled Off
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This was Lucky when we arrived at the scene. A kind woman has called us to help this baby. Whoever did this to Lucky deserves hell. HOW MUCH WILL BE BLESSED FROM HUMANITY !! A HUMAN WILL BLOW THE HEAD OF A BABY DOG. Fortunately the world still has good people.
We took Lucky to the nearest veterinary hospital.
Our baby was eating, thankfully.
After 15 days of treatment at the clinic, Lucky got better. The wound on his head has healed. We are delighted to successfully cure his eyes. Look at Lucky on discharge
More best dog rescue videos, amazing rescue dogs (Puppies) stories or animal rescue stories & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Animal Aid Unlimited, India: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalAi…
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Мои хорошие жму ваши золотые руки , спасибо вам огромное за спасение крохи , маленький выздоравливай.
Thank you so much !
God bless you all !?
Thanks for saving innocent baby, Lucky so cute, hope he have a happy life???
Kasihan banget kamu nak….semoga masih bisa disembuhkan ya….
Lindinho ??
Oh my God, my heart is sick watching this…whoever did this needs to be beat with a bat & see how they feel after…scumbags thank you for saving this beautiful pup❣️
Amazing ……thnk to all of you guys ……
evil souls.
It warms my heart to know that out there in this big bad world there is someone doing something good and not just bad
What country happen all this? some people need educate to not hurt dags, they are the best friend of human
Thank you so much to saving the puppy god blessings you always !
Thank god blessings the puppy !
Thank God blessings the puppy !
animal abuse should be punisable …. this is not right anyone can come and beat or killed them .. they are beautiful creature , the world is not only for human ?
God bless you puppy??☝️??? Thanks Guys for saving cute puppy And Guys your work is really important and beautiful??????????????????❤️❤️❤️?????????
Inocente criaturita cuanto dolor insoportable tubo que aguantar asta que llegaron los angelitos para sanarlo un fuerte abrazo y muchas bendiciones amen ??????❤❤❤
The monster must be go to hell !!!!but fr you guys..thank you so much fr saving life this beautiful puppy, Gbu always
Whoever did this to him deserves the worst of life poor baby thank you so much for helping this sweet angel ?❤️?❤️?
Graças aDeus,existem pessoas como vocês, Que Deus abençoe muito vocês ???❤❤?????
Coitadinh ?
YOU are a demented sick individual. How do you sleep at night thinking what did i do. There are no words for you. But remember what goes around will mark my words comes around. You will pay in hell?big time. Lucky you just showed the world that you made it thx to the blessed people that saved you and you made that person that you are strong and you will survive in this country but him or her are not they will suffer.?and you are a star.?⭐
감사합니다 감사합니다 이말로도 부족하네요 ㅠㅜ 세상 곳곳에 이렇게 영웅들이 잇엇네요 당신들이잇어 살아갈만합니다
great job
thank you dear people for love and help
DEUS abençoe vcs …e os animais . .sempre
God bless you????????????
God Bless!
Deus abençoe vocês que se dedicam a cuidar de animais assim, O trabalho de vocês é lindo.
??????bravo l association
Seres de Luz que sólo dan Amor y las personas que ayudan y aman a los animalitos del mundo irán al cielo ????????????????????
Uma pessoa pra fzr isso com um ser tão indefeso desses, tem q ser o monstro mais desgraçado dos infernos.
É o capeta o demônio.