Skilled people are amazing and awesome! Awesome frisbee trick shots, jumps from buildings, street tricks in asia, and people are awesome in kayaking! Some people are just like a boss! Epic winners with awesome and amazing skills do their best to make you impressed. Parkour skills, crazy mountainbike stunts, ski jumps, and stuntmen on motorbikes. I bet you can’t repeat the awesome stuff in this impressive skills compilation video! Better don’t try these crazy and dangerous stunts at home. Just the best of the best skills worldwide!
What To Watch Next:
More Awesome Skills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJCHqEPsncU&list=PLAN2shVVO1SOLJZVNUvP6X52IYdd3gi6r&index=12
Epic Fails: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4hAB1nnPCY&list=PLAN2shVVO1SOLJZVNUvP6X52IYdd3gi6r&index=4
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Welcome to VidGeek – Your new #1 source for epic fails, crazy pranks, awesome skills, and funny animals from all arround the world! We deliver the newest and best impressive and funny videos every single week. We will not fail to make you laugh when you watch our awesome compilation videos. Try not to laugh while visiting our brand new channel!
Original Links:
PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2016 14 ? Awesome AMAZING PEOPLE 2016 Compilation ? UNBELIEVABLE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ldZGRBYCcw
PEOPLE ARE AWESOME COMPILATION BEST HUMANS IN THE WORLD 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhjC_fM2xVU
Awesome People Part5- People are Awesome 2014 #Awesome People: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndZzN3qPzZY
Awesome People Part2- People Are Awesome 2014 #Awesome People: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkltOM-iGUo
Professional level 80. Level god Super Skills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEBM5zD4W9o
Amazing SPORT SKILLS 2016 Most Amazing Humans In The World 2029: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJsJOalNoz13
Skillige Leute sind toll! Manche Menschen sind einfach wie ein Boss! Bosslike Parkour skills, verrückte Mountainbike Stunts, Ski Sprünge und Stuntmen auf Motorrädern. Epische Gewinner zeigen was sie können! Menschen sind einfach toll! Das großartige Zeug in diesem beeindruckenden Skills Compilation Video ist einfach das Beste des Besten weltweit!
Willkommen bei VidGeek – Deiner neuen #1 Quelle für epische Fails, verrückte Pranks, beeindruckende Skills und lustige Tiere von überall auf der Welt! Wir präsentieren die neuesten, besten, beeindruckendsten und witzigsten Videos mit wöchentlichen Updates! Du wirst dich vor Lachen nicht halten können, wenn du unsere tollen Compilation Videos anschaust. Versuche nicht zu lachen während du unseren brandneuen Channel besuchst!
So Um asking for a friend but who is the girl at 5:13 … Again asking for a friend.
9:50 – why do old guys always figure people want to see their wrinkly junk?
nice job so far guys! I really enjoy watching your videos! keep up the good work #VidGeek
nice shot at 4:17 !
Spiderman is also in the video at 5:50. Funny 😀
The guy with the shotgun and the balloons is great:))
Nice Stunt Art 00:38!
18:32 that's what i call thirsty!! :DD
Wow Geeks. This time I couldn't even manage to post the first comment without you already being on the spot. Awesome. Enjoy our skill compilation with the incredible stunt from the thumbnail starting at 00:38! We are looking forward to your comments. Since you asked for the music: The epic track from the first ten minutes is a nice remix of the track OMFG – Hello. The second track is a free house compilation available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-29kiIDRx_E. Enjoy the video & have a great day!
Damn! You got me. Ye, I would like to have the music aswell…
la musique svp
the music pls