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These ghosts, poltergeists, and haunted houses were NOT in the script! These creepy behind-the-scenes stories from horror movie sets are pure nightmare fuel, and we’re not sure how the cast and crew of “The Conjuring” (2013), “The Possession” (2012), “Annabelle” (2014), “The Amityville Horror” (2005), or the other movies on our list slept at night! What’s YOUR scariest true story of paranormal events? Let us know in the comments!
Watch more great behind-the-scenes videos here:
Top 10 Creepiest True Stories Behind Movie Scenes: https://youtu.be/atHxaRIVqqc
Top 10 Craziest Behind the Scenes Movie Coincidences: https://youtu.be/U1BDpOuCRJM
Game of Thrones: 10 Behind the Scenes Facts: https://youtu.be/_OoIFzTuK0U
List Entries and Rank:
10) When Life Imitates Art
9) The Haunted Alarm Clock
8) A Haunted Studio
7) From Skeptic to Believer
6) Demon On Set
5) The Curse Continues
4) Ghosts Destroying Cameras
3, 2 & 1: ?
Watch on WatchMojo: http://watchmojo.com/video/id/16385/
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The exorcist is still one of the most scariest movie of all time.
The world is full of unknowns.
So that is what WatchMojo girl looks like.
I’d hate to pop your bubble but the “666” numbers are literally the chemicals that make up black people.. Euro Americans added it to the Bible to oppress black people and classify black people as beasts.. I’m pretty sure numbers have nothing to do with the devil or anything demonic. It’s literally just racism that’s unknown… I do believe in paranormal events but when a chemical element is involved I start to care less and see it as a hoax… ??♀️
this is more some movie reviews than events caught during movie shoots
Real life paranormal investigators ????????????????? ed and Lorraine warren are proven hoaxers. They are con artist and every time you watch their movies it shows how gullible you are. And when you say real life it makes you looks dumber than a box of rocks. Get it together mojo cause you look like your can even do a simple fact check. Then you use the amityville story that's was a total lie even butch said how those two came to the prison and told him what to say. They promised him legal help (which they lied about cause if anyone knew they where there it would end their con) and yes there names are on the list that visited if any of you can do a fact check. But keep making yourself look like gullible idiots if you want to but there is a reason paranormal investigators stay away from anything to do with the warrens is cause they know it's fake right off the bat.
It's true story.
But Lord is powerful
Joy everyone?
After watching the exorcism of emily rose I woke up for the next 3 weeks at 3:15am every night. Was really trippy…..lucky no burning smell….
I was a nihilist until I moved to Pensacola. Not anymore – to Let you know It would take a couple hours. I have quite a few stories.
Some photographs as well all types of shit. The one thing that I don't get about this list where is the little kid in the window from three men and a baby? That's the most classic part of any movie set ever wear something supernatural went down, it was caught on camera and it's in the actual movie when you're watching it they did not realize it until after the release of the film.
That's more than just getting a weird feeling or waking up at a certain time. It's pretty chilly in fact to see that little kid standing in the window and nobody was there when they were filming.
That and poltergeist should be number one or two – there was a lot more that happened to what you guys listed. The exorcism that was held on set by the Native American dude. He passed away so did a couple other Cast members like the little lady, and Reverend cane the actor who played him. Although he was sick with cancer while they were filming I always thought that guy was like 80 years old he was only in his late 50s I think. He looked horrible. Couple other people have died or had some weird things happen to them over the years from the poltergeist franchise. It rubs me the wrong way so much I don't even want to watch the forms anymore and I'm a horror fanstic
The little boy who was strangled by the who Was strangled by the clown in the movie he was actually getting strangled in that scene there was a malfunction with the robotic clown.. The woman who did the scene with the bodies in the pool she would go home every day and her pictures were turned down on the mantle all types of weird shit with that film. was strangled by the clown in the movie he was actually getting strangled in that scene there was a malfunction with the robotic clown.
And how about the 1931 Dracula most cast and crew members either died or had horrible lives after that movie. This list was pretty good though better than most from what I saw it's just a shame you guys don't have Dracula or the little boy from three men and a baby on there has even an honorable mention
666k views. Cool.
She never mentioned everything that happened on the behind scenes of the exorcist cause apparently people died while making the film And the set also when on fire like she said and she never mentioned that a lady crew member who was pregnant and had no complications with her baby it was a healthy baby with a good heart beat she had a hospital scare the day before filming was finished she had a emergency scan the baby was fine but the day after filming finished she started bleeding heavy and she got rushed to hospital and she ended up giving birth to a still born baby from what I no of that film including that poor baby 9 people died while making that film and apparently people was dying from heart attacks while watching it I learned all that about it so she never mentioned all that so she needs to get the facts straight and that house was a prop where they filmed most of it it was prop that set on fire reason why Regans room never set on fire was because that was the real house where Roland Doe was possed cause obviously the exorcist is based on the real life story of Roland Doe and they used the house where real exorcism took place so like i said it was the prop that went on fire not the actual house that's why Regans room never went on fire
One night I was sleeping, I lived in the basement. I was a teenager so it was cool having my own little place. Anyway, dad always came down to go to his workbench in the morning before heading to work. One night/very early morning I felt his hkand touch my head which woke me up. I thought he was just displaying some love. So I smiled. But I noticed his hand was unusually cold. I opened my eyes to ask why his hand was so cold but no one was there. I started to begin to panic but was suddenly overwhelmed by an unexplained calmness. Then for some reason, I felt a strong presence of my grandpa who had passed away a few years earlier. So I knew it was grandpa telling me that he loves me. I smiled and went back to sleep.
Oh, and I saw a UFO on 2 different occasions. Once as a kid. Once as an adult.
Although every day, little things happen that are too minor to even acknowledge. Like my cell phone wireless charges. Each time I put my phone on it to charge, a moment later my phone would slide off. Everytime. At first I dismissed it as maybe it’s unbalanced or maybe my phone is too slick. So I propped something behind it so it would slide off again. But somehow it kept sliding off. I don’t use it anymore. Not out of fear, but because it keeps sliding off therefore never charging.
And a lightbulb would blow out, I’d get a new one to replace it, and when I return, the blown out bulb it lit again. I hear weird noises sometimes. Occasionally I will find things in one place when I know I put them somewhere else. Small things like that. They don’t bother me. So I don’t give it any thought. But since the nature of the video and that it asked if any of us had ever experienced paranormal things, I figured I’d share some.
A few years ago on Xmas day, I was having dinner with my family, cousins, uncles etc, after we had finished, my mom walked in to the kitchen and freaked out when she saw every cupboard door in the kitchen wide open, keep in mind, nobody even entered the kitchen during dinner, another thing happened where I went to bed and woke up at 3AM for some odd reason and I kid u not, a woman was standing over me, her hair covered her whole face and was all messy and slightly curled, after I saw her for a few seconds, she vanished, I couldn't sleep after that, same thing happened a week later only this time, I was visited by a man in a black suits and had a burlap sack over his head and no joke, he waved at me and then vanished like the other one before
Rebecca are you the girl from just for laughs?? ?
Ever since one of my twin son's died we have seen light orbs and fog in pictures taken by 5 different cameras. A remote control train turned on a went around our den everyday. 1 of the cars would race around the track and stop in the same place. Lights turn off and on we can hear toys being played with at night. TV's and radios will turn on and change channels. Doors will shake really hard then open or shut. I have also lived in haunted houses growing up.
saying something happened doesnt mean it did this shit is weak
I work in a funeral home. Doors open and close here all the time. Voices come over the speakers through microphones in empty chapels. Things fly off of surfaces. The security system trips randomly throughout the night. When no one is even here.
Best yet, we have 3 other locations. We have video of chapel doors swinging open at another of our locations.
So I'm just another dude who has seen your face for the first time and after hearing your voice so many times I can now put a picture to The Voice and yes my dear you are pretty smoking hot so just another dude signing off C'est La Vie Rebecca c'est la vie
George Lutz was a 60 yr old man who died of heart disease 30yrs after he lived in the Amityville house. Yep, there is no other answer other then a supernatural cause.
She has a really cool voice that's easy to listen to.
yes i am….im a "MEDIUM"
I still have nightmares with the exorcist
Man is messing with the fallen angils , that were cast out of Heaven to the Earth the fallen ones , demons possessing man in these Last days Through the carnal mind of man .
#3 poltergeist…that thing whatever thats in front of the door..they had that thing in a haunted house my friend fainted..I left her ?♂️?♂️?♂️?♂️
Lol I love this women’s voice
Or it's just actors trying to stir up more interest in their movie by claiming these things happened.
I am sure that many people attracting this type of scenarios like in movies might always call some kind of spirit conected to it. Just like a pact with the devil or something.
I was about 3 years old when a man whispered my name in my ear, waking me up in the middle of the night. He wanted me to go with him. I heard a comforting voice tell me not to and that I could not come back. I didn't and the ghost became angry and somehow I fell asleep after this. I have been told the voice was my spirit guide, who is also my great grandfather on my Dad's side. Also, the ghost was a soul who wanted to cross over but wanted a child to help him. Unfortunately, the child would have to die and cross over to do this.
I've been shoved out of bed, while sleeping, across a nightstand and onto the floor 4 times, sometimes resulting in bruises. Once, knocked over a lamp and stereo onto floor.