This video shows how fast things can change for the worse when riding outside of your limits. I came into a corner way too fast and had to make a split decision, try to brake and lean into the turn risking a lowside or overshoot the turn and hope I don’t hit oncoming traffic. As I smashed the brakes I started to fishtail and realized I couldn’t slow down enough to make the turn so I aimed for the embankment and hoped for the best. As I overshot the turn a scion tc was coming around the corner at the same time and he swerved in the same direction I was heading and I almost caused a head on collision. It was totally my fault. Thankfully he missed me by inches and I was able to keep the bike from going down when I hit the dirt embankment. I know the haters are gonna flock to the comment section but i’m hoping people can watch this and learn from my mistakes. Thanks for watching and ride safe out there!
Oh muh gawd dood! Cool video but that scared the crap out of me!
Option 3: Keep eyes far down the road, reduce throttle, gently apply front brake, hold to left of lane, push handlebars to the left, push down on left peg, release brake at corner apex, smoothly apply throttle, smile
Hey Kev! May I please use this clip In one of my new compilations? You will be fully credited of course! ~ Watermarked, and linked in description!
Daaaaang dude. Nice save in the sand
oh man.. Cool to feature it? MS