Must watch – Real ghost / spirit caught on camera by me next to a fatal road accident in which she died.
There was a major accident, unfortunately a young women died. I took some pics and saw this spirit / ghost in one of them. In the other pics there is no ghost at all. What do you all think? Is it the dead women?
Light from the car numb nuts
I don't see anyone!
What a load of shite. ??
Interesting, so I kinda believe that you can see ghosts in cameras not in human vision! But I don't think that ghosts (well most) haunt people. Unless they were the killer maybe idk
edit: there's a sort of shadow so if the shadow was from the ghost that must mean if you shine a light at spirits they may show a shadow
This makes no scence
I see it
Yes, it is a possibility. I hope she will go to heaven.
Great capture!!! I only see her feet, her legs, the bottom of her dress. I don,t see anything else. RIP young lady.